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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. woah, that's flame-bait if ever i saw one. at least on any thread other than this newbie thread, it would be.
  2. *gasp* Kaifun was the final cylon??
  3. Finally saw it, and LOVED it! old-school shambling zombies kick-ass!! i loved the fact that they used the classic zombie type for most of the first parts (and i must admit, the designes of these zombies were nothing short of fantastic!). great character design for Claire Redfield, and cute flashback scenes of her and Leon in their old RE attires. I hope they make another one like this. Claire rocks!! i want more.
  4. I watch asian films every chance i get. and i've seen so many (and fell in love with quite a few) that i can't begin to list em all. but let's start with the usual suspects: chungking express infernal affairs (one of my all time faves. and none of that departed stuff) battle royale azumi (i'm in love with aya ueto) ichi the killer ran, seven samurai and other akira kurosawa films recent ones i've seen that i liked: Great Yokai War Hana & Alice (ok, so i'm also in love with Aoi Yu) Stacy (and no, i'm not in love with the lead. she bugs me.). Next up for viewing are the Tomie films. as for aya ueto, if you like her, aside from azumi and her ads, you could also check out "Attention Please!". uber-tomboyish cuteness in that one. sometimes even a tad too much cuteness. but as fans of japanese culture, how can one ever have too much cuteness? hehe.
  5. yeah. and it's ironic that some of the pilots UN sent to Macross could be veteran or high ranked pilots. But in terms of fighting zentraedi mechs, both on earth and in space, they don't have that much experience. in that sense, "newbie" pilots Hikaru and Max would still be considered the more experienced fighters. veteran earth pilots are the new cannon fodder. hehe. oh, and... (puts on jock jacket, and kicks pete on the backside) "NERD!!!!"
  6. What's with the disctinction? None of you have seen the cut scenes from DYRL where Max and Milla, in the euphoria of their victory over bodolza, completely forgot that they were still inside their Queadluun-Raus when they started to celebrate their marriage... ? huh? what to you mean there's no such thing??
  7. Gerwalk. At the very least, it was hands down the best mode to use in the Macross NES game.
  8. *GASP* so... the EDSA revolution in the Philippines happened because filipinos were watching TOO MUCH MACROSS?! wow, imagine that.
  9. correct observation, but of course there's really no clear cut reason why max was the flight leader in DYRL (on earth). it's possible. not necessarily because max took hikaru's place, but more probably because Max now has more air combat time than hikaru. I am presuming that max and hikaru were equal ranks at the start of DYRL. but since hikaru was gone for a long time, max contined to battle and go up the leadership chart. Who knows what battle achievements max had during hikaru's absence? only makes sense that he's assigned flight leader,r ather than Hikaru. or maybe... hikaru was demoted because of what he did. if you really think about it, because of hikaru's insubordination and misuse of military equipment, he endangered a bridge officer, got a squadron leader killed, and allowed the enemy to kidnap the fleet's most prized civilian asset. it's a wonder hikaru wasn't thrown in front of a firing squad.
  10. oh man. this pretty much tops it. you've been watching macross too much, your kid's have been brainwashed.
  11. To put it a bit differently... LATE SHOW TOP TEN SIGNS THAT YOU’RE A MACROSS NUT. Number 10... You think a mini-jet is the perfect prize for the winner of a beauty pageant. Number 9... When you're thirsty, you keep shouting "COLA!" Number 8... You're never happy with your lovelife unless there's a third party involved. Number 7... You're deeply and clinically terrified of pineapple salad. Number 6... You marry the first person who tries to kill you with a knife. Number 5... On June 27, 2008, your neighbors called the cops complaining about the kid next door who kept shouting WTF! WTF! like a crazy person. Number 4... On June 27, 2008, you had an aneurysm. Number 3. You think that you don't really need weapons to protect yourself, as long as you can sing really REALLY loud. Number 2... You hate this show because of a certain background music we sometimes use in our gag-segments *Paul Schaffer and the orchestra start to play Stagefright BG*. David: Yeah, you like that one, don't ya? Heehee. Paul: Hey. It's not bad. And apparently, it has lyrics. *continues playing the music on his keyboards* "Stagefright, go away, this is my big day. This is my time to be a star..." David: That's the lyrics of the song? Seriously? Paul: Yeah, seriously. That's what it says here. David: Yeah, I think we’ll stick with the instrumental next time, Paul. *flips the index card into the new york skyline - CRASH* AND the number one sign that you're a Macross Nut... You moved to Iwo Jima!
  12. by then, i was too dizzy to be sure what i meant.
  13. deculture....
  14. haha. cool dream. if ever your dream gets continued, do tell what happens to Megaroad 1. hehe.
  15. Are you forgetting Leon and his salesman clone? or Kamjin, Britai and Exedole's clones on galia IV? and i still think president Glass is a clone of the mayor in that town where kamjin stole the macronization chamber. hehe. on the other hand, given the high premium that Minmay's, Hikaru's, Global's and Misa's DNA should have post-war, i wonder how many of their clones are walking around macross city...
  16. QFT while screaming "You get to burning!!"
  17. I... I... I... I CAN'T DECIDE!!! i would say, it depends on the mood. each genre has its kick-ass series. it would depend on the mood i'm in, i guess. if i'm in the mood for just pure honest-to-goodness throw-physics-out-the-window fun, i'd go for super robots (Gurren Lagann is as super as it can get!!). but then sometimes, i want hard biting missile to metal crunchy robot goodness, i would go for real robots (Macross!!). so do i have a preference? yes.... on a case to case (or anime toanime basis). so i'm back where i started... arg...i'll have to pass on this one unless i can click both. well there you go, i can click both. yipee.
  18. Happy birthday MW! Thanks for everything!
  19. that one was full of win. more signs: - you try to get your parked car to pick you up by using the "slave-mode" hand signals. - someone screams "ghost!", and you (yes, only you) look up at the sky in fear.
  20. and also, when you do drive out of the garage, you salute and say "sankyu".
  21. damn, you made me look.
  22. oh man, haven't seen this. anyone have a link? come to think of it... Minmay's "Maybe when i can find my song, i can join you on your new ship" = Ranka's "i'll never give up, in song, and in love"" so..... Misa's "of course" = Sheryl's "i accept your challenge"
  23. damn, i can't remember where this is from. to my shame, please enlighten me. i guess i haven't been watching too much macross. but you have! after all, you're in week 7 8 already.
  24. Ok, here's an idea. somewhat related to Valkyrie addict's real life thing. i was pretty sure it's been done before, but i searched this forum, and googled, but couldn't find any. (the one for Evangelion was hilarious). You know you've been watching too much Macross when... - you have a tendency to bitchslap girls who just declared their love for you (and as valk addict pointed out, this is gonna get you some jailtime) - when you're in a room full of people that you don't really like, you rotate your eyeballs to focus on each and every one of them rapidly - Last july 17, 1999, you kept looking up at the sky to see something - you try squeezing your cell phone and wonder why it doesn't turn off on its own - you ordered a personalized license plate for your car: SDF-1 - you'd rather own the skull 1 themed bicycle than a car - you have weird dreams where you recall the past few months of your life, with very weird differences - you sing to bugs. with all your heart. and from your diapraghm. - "aimo" is still in your head. and it's driving you insane. - even worse, "aimo" is still in your head, and it's making you horny. - every chance you get, you try to get yourself lost and trapped with this girl you have a crush on. in a basement. in a deadend. anywhere will do. - you see a mountain, and you suddenly have an urge to play the guitar and sing - when shocked, you suddenly blurt out "de culcha!" - when on a date, you keep looking for a place that will allow you to wear several costumes... - you get stuck in an elevator with a girl you like, and the first thing you say to her is... "well we could have a pretend wedding..." - -
  25. brilliant! the RL for the minmay slap is my favorite!
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