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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. Heaven help you if you end up in a Hikaru Ichijo situation.
  2. ! why, WHY must those black holes always take my beloved characters away? WHY???
  3. INTP - the Engineer. Socrates, descarte, darwin, jung and spiner. not bad at all. i'll jumpstart the world, and i'll leave it up to you. just call me Shinji.
  4. But gubaba's and VFTF1's feelings might get hurt when Basara starts getting mentioned...
  5. "WTF!!!!!!" - pretty much everyone here, sometime around June last year.
  6. hey, i know you have a girlfriend who looks like Misa (that is you, right?), but, woah, that's harsh on minmay. you just stopped short of calling her a sl*t. like you, i love that scene. but while all of it was happening, i actually felt bad for minmay. i did not see it as a "i'll sleep with you even if you already slept with misa coz i own you" thing. rather, to me, it was more of an "i understand, those were crazy times, we all thought we were gonna die. i forgive you, and i still love you" kind of thing. and from my perspective, i didn't notice any indication that minmay didn't really love Hikaru in DYRL. in SDFM, maybe, but not DYRL. from all indications, Hikaru could very well have been the first and only love of her life (aside from music, but c'mon, that doesn't keep you warm at night when you're alone, now does it? ). Misa, on the other hand, still had Riber. just my view on it. and i'm not slamming Misa in this one. as far as i'm concerned, in the DYRL version, it's Hikaru (and only Hikaru) who acted like a jerk in the triangle. and oh yeah, i answered this poll before, but i'll answer it again nevertheless. SDFM TV, hands down!
  7. I still can't believe we lived through that and kept our sanity (well, somewhat).
  8. in answer, happy. very happy. and i loved episode 12.
  9. would you believe, it was actually Macross? of course, at that time, i had no frickin concept of what an "anime" was. nevertheless, it's true. macross was my first time. and you never forget your first.
  10. Are there really quotes more memorable than these fabulous dubs from Clash of the Bionoids: "You Chauvinist!! You disobey my orders??!!" and "Watch Jet Jockey in action!"
  11. there's something that's been bothering me for a long time about the "blame it on the syndication requirements" angle. sure, HG and Macek are saying they would have liked to dub macross direct without having to add 2 other anime series. but even if it was only macross, it would still have to be dubbed and westernized a bit. the cynical part of me has a feeling that the finished product of Macross -- even if it was ONLY Macross -- would still be quite different from the original. I think HG would still have insisted to portray minmei as a skank. i wouldn't be surprised if they still killed off global and the bridge bunnies for dramatic effect. and OF COURSE, we would still have the gadawful reba west songs; there's no going around that. of course, this is purely speculation. but my spider sense is tingling.
  12. for a good portion of 3 years after watching eva, my mind was constantly jacked into trying to figure out the meaning of everything in eva. and those days were crazy... like an endless dream. thank god for Angels Anonymous, i was able to kick the habit. curse the smell of alcohol that you're waving under my nose!
  13. a hundred and one, last count. after you watch the EOE movie, then episodes 25-26, give yourself a week off, and then watch the first Rebuild of Evangelion movie. and if you can, DO watch it on a BIG TV with a kick-ass sound system. a movie theater wouldn't hurt, too.
  14. Or even worse, you'd be DEAD. blown up along with the bridge bunnies. (hmmm... come to think of it... dead or IN robotech... tough choice.)
  15. given that they guy is unemployed and working out of his basement, i'd say she already did.
  16. It's so.... sad. man, i'm actually speechless with this one. kudos to the first one who commented to the blog, for not going full-macross berzerk mode on the sorry kid.
  17. AND sing Silent Night in japanese.
  18. cool. i'd hazard a guess that the translation is more accurate than homotech, portuguese accent for "Hikaru" notwithstanding.
  19. OR like Bill S. Preston, Esquire and Ted "Theodore" Logan. and together, they are, WILD STALLYNS! Excellent!
  20. haven't seen Bi_centennial Man, but i've been wanting to for some time now. the concept of a robot wishing to die reminds me of Spofforth from Mockingbird (Walter Tevis).
  21. tell that to Basara, who can fly circles around enemy swarms in battroid and fighter, but can't avoid buildings to save his life in gerwalk.
  22. now combine aiko's recognition and response technology, with the expressions and movement of the Actroid Der 2 ( ), and, voila, ladies and gentlemen, GITS isn't that too far off anymore. Pete, you're already waxing philosophical on this one, and i can't blame you. and if ever the discussion on robot rights is upon us, i would like to hope that mankind has enough reference material (i.e. asimov novels, matrix movies, just to name a few) to have an enlightened point of view on the matter. funny how classic works of fiction could end up being the Bible for a new robotic age. hell, asimov's three rules are already a given. haha. you have the makings of a blockbuster apocalyptic movie script right there. "The Day the Girls Stood Still".
  23. i'd package it as 24/7.
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