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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. Not necessarily. the timeline only changed from the time Nero entered the picture, so that would be the time when Jim was born. Anything before that could have gone the same way as in original canon, thus his older brother sam might be existing, albeit unmentioned. unless there was something in the 2009 movie which referred to jim as an only child.
  2. let's face it, science doesn't make for good movie-making unless it's fictional science.
  3. Seriously, the fact that I had to wiki all true-to-life movies that have a science-based plotline just to have an idea what to vote for, shows that there really isn't that much to choose from... edit: and even after wiki, i still haven't found one.
  4. Oh come on, the best Science fact movie HAS to have Einstein in it, ergo... I.Q.
  5. Ok, there's this talk about kirk's older brother. How about the guy who was walking on the side of the road when young kirk's convertible drove through. Young kirk called out to him when he passed by, although i can't remember the name. any relation to kirk? could he be the older brother or someone else in Star Trek continuity?
  6. Finished watching Black Lagoon 2nd barrage. very cool.
  7. Word. And besides, that movie has one of the best quotes of all time, given by no less than the great NPH himself: "It's afraid... it's AFRAID!"
  8. same here!! man i was laughing so loud.
  9. I would surmise that Nero's crew was able to calculate the ETA of spock from the singularity, taking into consideration the size of the ship, the angle from which it entered the singularity from the other side, and the size of the singularity's event horizon (mind you, i'm talking science fiction physics here. hehe). It would be stupid for Neros' ship to just wait beside the singularity for 25 years just waiting for someone that might never come, and leave yourself out in the open for any federation ship that might happen to pass by.
  10. Finally finished the OAV anime series of Detroit Metal City. Hilarious! I found myself laughing so hard specially at how DMC's fans behaved and over reacted, and named each and every move Krauser made.
  11. hey, I just realized... in the new timeline, Saavik is probably dead! (well, of course, with all this emphasis on "fate" and "destiny", she could very well be among the 10,000 vulcan survivors. how lucky.)
  12. I agree 100%. if he acted all serious, it wouldn't be like Kirk at all. I think he (Pike's Kirk) had no illusions of not being discovered that he re-wrote the program. he wanted to be caught. he didn't believe in a test that can't be won. and in that way, he wanted to stick it to THE MAN (who in this case just happened to be Spock). and the way he acted, coupled with the way the simulation bridge reacted to his smugness, worked out as a wonderful scene in the movie, IMO. that being said, i F***@N loved this movie!!! and i can't wait to watch it again.
  13. Death High cost of living could work coz it's a stand-alone story. but they really have to nail it on casting Death. I was mortally afraid when when Fairuza Balk was trying to get herself cast as death a long time ago. ok, i get it, you're goth, but that's not what Death is all about. jeez.
  14. if anything, sandman has TOO MUCH substance, that there's no way to translate it into film.
  15. judging from the rough script i saw once upon a time which was trying to establish a love story angle between Dream and Rose Walker, and in fact depicted a passionate kissing scene at the end... yeah, i'd have to agree with you.
  16. Dear god, don't. the more of it you don't remember, the better.
  17. This, more than the first episode of the unfinished Sentinels series?
  18. If there's one good thing that came out of all this, it's that the Deadpool movie got back some momentum. http://www.superherohype.com/news/x-mennews.php?id=8308 Hoping for the best with this one.
  19. A little discussion we had a while back in another thread where we sorta realized that the "megaroad got lost somewhere in the middle of the galaxy" may have been just a "what-if" scenario in a mail-in gift for an old video game. And also, the disappearance of the megaroad sorta conflicted with a timeline/picture which shows Misa and Miku Ichijo visiting with the Jenius couple or children. here's the thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...mp;#entry640267 and the link to the compendium entry: http://macross.anime.net//feedback/index.html Which could all mean that SK never really said anything about the megaroad disappearaing. but then again... only "God Knows". hehe.
  20. So the latest issue of Macross Chronicle basically confirms that the whereabouts of Minmay are indeed currently unknown? interesting... now i really don't know what to believe...
  21. I just watched the ending, and I actually liked it! i think the new writing team brought the series back into a direction that i'm excited about. The twist at the end, i found that it was a very brave thing to do for the writers. at least we could admit that it was nothing anyone expected or could have predicted. If just for that, i think the writers did a good job. amazing set-up for the next volume, and IMHO a brilliant way to keep BOTH the sylar and nathan characters in the series, and both relevant. hey, it's way WAY better than another cop-out "oh wait we have claire's blood, we can use it again to save nathan!". other things i liked: - The explanation of why Angela shoplifts socks. what a subtle yet wonderful touch, going back to the very first (or second?) episode. wow. i like how they went that far back, it shows that at least the writing staff is trying to see the big picture. - the power downgrades. no more teleporting for hiro, no more demigod powers for peter. makes for more interesting conflicts later on. (although, right now, if I were Peter, i WOULDN'T touch another superhero ever again!! imagine losing sylar's power to... angela's dream-seer powers??) - the unexplained weakness of Hiro. doesn't feel like he'll lose his powers again, but it's a bit intriguing why it's being limited. outside forces? or just plain invdividual limitations? either way, it could make for a good storyline. - Ice-girl coming back. cool. and i guess she's gonna come for nathan... er, sylar, er nathan... Questions for next season: - so what's the Company's purpose going to be? regulation, or recruitment? I prefer the latter. - what's happening to Hiro?
  22. Ok, i'm a bit late, but i just finished watching S2 yesterday, and it was awesome! a pretty good and solid ending, imho. can't wait for the movie. and about that movie... sounds like it will be first contact (or "dialogue") with an alien race... and then we have the power of Marina's song.... waitaminute, this is gundam, right?
  23. exactly. you'd think people could just walk to their destination, ne? specially since you could lower the level of artifical gravity and make walking easier.
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