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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. Wow. hopes, dreams, despair and nightmares all in one package. me likee.
  2. I understand how Grace can have noble intentions, but you also have to consider that she could have indeed be driven by some sort of madness (if you go by the episode with her first death, while she was burning). You have to wonder how much of her plan is really to unite humanity (and eventually rule over it), or how much of it is to have revenge on the vajra that killed her the first time. You could also see it this way... the rest of the AIs with grace may have altruistic intentions, but grace's own AI may have other goals in mind.
  3. hmmm... I don't know about that. Compared to other shows, i think macross has been pretty subtle about its antagonists. in sdfm, while britai and exedole were the first enemies, they eventually turned to the other side. Bodolza did not appear entirely evil the first time he appeared. while i admit Kaifun is the biggest ass in the macross universe, he appeared more as a romantic foil to hikaru and minmei in his first appearance. it wasn't until later that we saw how much of a jerk he really was. in M+, sharon apple wasn't really the enemy until the last quarter. In Macross0, there were just 2 military sides fighting it out, anti-un wasn't necessarily evil.
  4. Probably coz Skynet got tired of their terminators failing to kill connor (hey they sent Kristanna Loken for chrissakes, and it still didn't work!) that they figured this time they should bring connor to them. on the other hand, when they finally got connor in their sights, what do they do? they send their very first terminator who failed the first time. haha. ok machines, you have a sense of irony, congratulations for that, but wouldn't practicality be much better at this point? Speaking of references, any chance the gasoline station where Markus and Kyle Reese were ambushed by the giant terminator was the very same gas station where Sarah Connor's picture was taken at the end of T1?
  5. I still say that a Macross 7 game on the Wii using the Guitar Hero controllers would be the awesomest idea ever.
  6. Thanks for this gubaba. It has certainly been an interesting journey. And like you said, you just have to wonder what the motive is behind all this. more than the elaborate scheme, it's the reason behind it that unsettles me.
  7. Oh dammit, you just had to, huh? Fine, fine, i asked for it. Now, time to contact a brain surgeon to lobotomize that image out off my brain.
  8. For real? I thought it bombed too much to merit a sequel. oh well, while i didn't like the movie, i wouldn't mind watching the sequel if it's about the coming of the saiyans, and is full of brainless powered-up mayhem.
  9. well having seen him dance, "kyun kyun" before, that image didn't traumatize me as much as i thought it would.
  10. maybe somewhere out there is a macronized Minmei! beat that!
  11. wow. hard enough to try to imitate donald duck's voice in english, what more in japanese with all its hard vowels?
  12. when it comes to women, aren't we all?
  13. who needs an apology? she could try to kill you one day, and you'd forgive her if she gave the same glowing review for any episode of MF.
  14. Invisible Pink Unicorn: "Objection, your honor!"
  15. Not enough!! haha. and by the way, which one is the mutated clone? you know, the one who came up with such hits like "to be in love" and "we will win"...
  16. THAT i'd love to hear. but what about "d'oh!"? do they retain the castellaneta's voice for that, or is it also dubbed?
  17. "Forwarned is seldom forearmed". Even a warning wouldn't be able to prepare you for Ep8.
  18. I happened to watch 2 episodes of ToraDora on TV, and i actually found it funny. might get a copy of the whole series. any opinions on this series? btw lately, i've been in the mood for good RomComs. any suggestions?
  19. I'll go one step further than that... I don't see how a dubber from another country can ever ever do better than the voice actors from the country that created the show in the first place. The show is voiced by the japanese seiyuus in the way that was truly intended. An english dub may be good (sometimes.... um... rarely... um... never? hehe), but it can never be better than the original, imo.
  20. wow. just wow. delusion? prank? an experiment to check how far it can go? this rabbit hole is getting crazier by the minute.
  21. yeah, but given Leon's ultimate fate by the end of the series, i'm guessing Leon-salesman would be quite content where he is right now. But then again, Leon did get to do the nasty (on an office table, no less) with Cathy, so... hmmm... with all these clones roaming about.... WHERE the hell are the Minmay clones???
  22. i've always theorized that they're clones of each other, but blimey, i didn't even know before that they shared the same VA. imagine that. btw, doesn't the taxi driver in MF (driving Sheryl around while she was sick) also look like Glass, if i remember correctly? Wouldn't you just hate to be have a clone who's the most powerful man in the fleet, and be driving a cab for a living. "Damn Howard, what does he have that I don't?? .... wait, nothing! bummer...."
  23. I had a feeling they took some time to animate or prepare the animation for the kira choreography. in some ways, it was a "make or break" moment for Ranka with respect to the macross fans. How about the first Diva to pilot a Macross? Doesn't Bobby count?? And come on SK, not even a mention of the trolling you did in ep12?? Well, she may not be a VF pilot, but we do have our first cougar in Misa. hehe.
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