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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. Saw it last night. LOVED it. I mean, thoroughly enjoyed, loved, got a thrill out of it. did i dumb myself for this movie? I don't even think so. Did i Bay-ize myself for this movie? well...yeah, probably. point is, i went into the theater expecting lots of robot fighting sequences, cool sound and FX... basically, the old-school, mind-blowing, child's-eyes-bulging-out-of-its-sockets, popcorn summer flick. and i got it! i'm not surprised that most people gave negative reviews in other movie review sites... what i'm surprised at is the vehemence, anger and angst that came with them. i think most of them forgot that the Transformers cartoon was initially made for kids of our generation. and when these kids grew up, they felt that the transformers franchise should have grown up with them. but at heart, Transformers: ROTF is still a kid's movie. and i can only imagine how much of an impact it made on the kids of this generation. me, it just felt so good to be a kid again, even for just 2 hours and 45 minutes.
  2. 2 movies, 2 frickin MF movies!! ah, bliss, sweet bliss. the ANN article says the 2nd movie will be a new story. let's hope so.
  3. and where the hell is basara in this picture?
  4. ah. one of the best depiction of zombies in anime.
  5. Thank you very much!! There! d'ya all hear that? I am an irrational sheryl fanboy! oh-yeahhhh!!! Now there you are VFTF1! i was wondering where you were. hey, someone was posing as you a while back and posting some blatantly pro-sheryl stuff. If sheryl falls for a guy who talks to her like a commoner, imagine how hard she'll fall for someone who ignores her completely. Wow, that's sounds exactly like something Sheryl herself would say!
  6. whoah, whoah, WHOA! where did that "all of you" come from? and why the impression that we were dissin on sheryl at all? I don't know about the others, but if you were including me in your reply, you might have missed my bias towards sheryl from all my posts in MW. i resent not being labeled an irrational sheryl fanboy!!
  7. OMG, i agree. minmay's so HAWT here. noses are bleeding all around the world. oh no. gubaba won't be articulate for at least a week. or even two. every other thought will be of nanase's panty shot.
  8. i agree, but you'd have to wonder if there's a little basara somewhere deep inside sheryl. one of her greatest frustrations upon observing ranka's rise to fame is her inability to affect the enemy with her music. sounds familiar.
  9. Funny, the rest of your post seems jumbled somehow, and this is the only part i was able to read... i keed. i keed.
  10. cool. i loved NHK as well. it's depressing, it's morbid, it's dark, but hell, it works!
  11. I'm not sure that the zentraedi ships were not prone to fold faults. sure, the concept of "fold faults" was not yet touched upon before Frontier, but there are some indications in the previous series that there are limitations to zentraedi fold technology. i particularly remember SDFM episode "Viva Maria", where it took britai's ship several folds to arrive at the factory sattellite, and i think severals fold as well to get back to earth. while it was not explained why several folds were necessary, it can be hypothesized (retroactively) that it was due to several fold faults along the way. also there's the question of why it took britai's fleet so long to discover the final destination of ASS-1. maybe it's because the fold trail of ASS-1 went through several fold faults, that it took britai quite a while to trace it.
  12. i don't think it was just a matter of folds through faults being slower, but more of it being impossible. I remember ep 7, where Luca was completely shocked that the vajra was able to fold through a fold fault.
  13. I have always seen sheryl's actions the way Deebot explained it: she just got excited about this wonderful idea for her gift for alto, and she completely ignored that ranka was planning to invite alto to her concert. sheryl's quite impulsive and rarely backs down from a course of action once she decides on it. sheryl's not the type to change her mind just because of the possibility that ranka will follow through with her plan to invite alto. or even with the possibility that ranka likes alto. i'm sure it's in the back of her mind, somehow, but i don't think it would dictate her actions at all. you're saying she had to have known ranka was inviting alto to the concert, and you're right. all i'm saying is that i don't think that was the reason that sheryl asked alto to go with her. i don't think it was a case of sheryl coming up with a plan to destroy ranka and alto's date. in that sense, i don't think it was a "counter present". rather, she just had a brilliant idea for a gift and acted on it. ranka was just collateral damage.
  14. Don't feel bad, dorothy. he wasn't really a wizard anyway. as i said, it should never be seen as an attack against MG; but that's easy for me to say, since i'm not the one who went Morpheus on them and showed them the matrix. anyway, cheer up. you and bishopcruz did the entire macross-loving community a service, and i'm sure the MG members will realize it soon enough.
  15. what? guld and myung had sex?? ... kidding. You're right, it may be stupid of guld to take sharon apple's word for it. but look at it this way. guld just had this startling revelation that he had repressed his memories all this time, and those repressed memories entailed finding myung and isamu as a couple, and assaulting myung. of course, this memory comes with the realization that guld was the real reason why the three of them weren't friends anymore, and that his two friends tried to keep it from him all this time. then add to that another layer of realization that the two (isamu and myung) probably broke of their blossoming relationship because of guld. who could help but suddenly feel like the third wheel? imagine guld in that state of mind... and then all of a sudden hearing from sharon apple that myung loves isamu even more... well, a guy could just smile and say, "ok bro, you win" without giving up much of a fight. it's kind of ironic really. you feel that guld would want nothing more than to go to myung, and that isamu would want nothing more than to fight the ghost. but guld wanted to set things right, to that moment before he messed things up. so he went against his instincts and volunteered to fight the ghost, and forced isamu to rescue myung. I'm not saying that Myung has already made a choice. for all we know, she might have still chosen guld afterwards, because isamu was still an irresponsible jerk, and guld had actually proposed already. but i think that guld felt that isamu and myung should finally have their moment, and that the best way he can show his love for myung is to (1) protect her by defeating the ghost, and (2) let her continue the relationship which he had violently disturbed all those years ago.
  16. yup it's her. koyuki. sirry grrl.
  17. i've watched all of love hina, but i never gave the manga a try. so there's actual closure there? hmmm....
  18. To explain the difference between the fold-bubble jump in SDFM, and the subsequent long distance folds, could it be possible that this was entirely a misintepretation of the rules of folding on the part of pre-SW1 humans? humans acquired overtech, but maybe they misapplied it. hence, the missing fold drives afterwards. and only after teaming up with the zentraedi did humans get the proper application of a space fold?
  19. another thing that bothers me is that i actually consider jeon ji-hyun (and yes, her international screen name sucks) a good actress. here, her acting came out flat as plywood. sure, most of it is saya's character, but the director could have done a lot better with it. anyone else think that the american girl's intuituion was completely illogical?
  20. Things would have been a lot easier if Sharon Apple was already around circa 2010-2012. Apple:"ok, flyboy, do i really have to spell it out for you?"
  21. it never gets old, does it? interesting perspective. although i think guld already thought that myung had made a choice already, through sharon. which is why he asked isamu to rescue myung. "she's waiting for you", or something to that effect.
  22. Protoculture!!
  23. dammit. can i take that back?
  24. like i said before, i wouldn't be surprised.
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