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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. Both Sara and Myung are actually boring characters for me, but Myung wins out in the "least-liked" department for playing the "victim" card a bit too often, and for being a bit too emo for my taste.
  2. Hey, Ranka, stop posting under a fake name.
  3. OP's definition of protagonist has to be revised somewhat. after all, if it's simply "in a love triangle", then Kaifun is in. and Sivil. and Gigil. and Sharon Apple.
  4. Don't really hate em, but as for the ones i like the least: Basara and Myung.
  5. I've been waiting for this. i wonder when it will be shown here, since it's obvious that there's no worldwide release for this one. heck, i'm even wondering IF they'll show it here.
  6. You say it as if there's other things that make him interesting. hehe. kidding. Actuallyi i never saw or felt that there was any internal struggle at all. when he attacked with missiles, did he blame himself for being a bit violent? nope, i think he blamed Ray for putting missiles in the first place. And when he was forced to attack the gang, did he pause to contemplate that he might not be as peace-loving as he thinks? not at all, i think he blamed Mylene for starting the whole mess in the first place, if i recall correctly. i've always felt (and this is just my opinion, of course), that he's as cardboard as it can get. and i actually think he was intentionally written that way.
  7. I'M not voting until i've SEEN Eva 2.0 (yeah, i know, what a loser i am). after all, i have this feeling that i will declare it the BEST.MOVIE.EVER... at least until Eva 3.0 comes out, or after I calm down a little after watching an eva movie, whichever comes first.
  8. I read the issue, and the joke's on all of us. it's a look into the future, but in the transition from present to future, Archie is seen taking the left path of a break in the road, "saving the left one for later". so, sure archie and veronica will probably get married, then the writers explore another future where archie chooses the right path. maybe eventuially archie decides that he doesn't really want to choose after all, then we're back at status quo. all the while, archie comics makes a killing off comic sales for its storyline.
  9. You mean, it was supposed to have a 3rd season? hard to imagine, since i felt they already stretched the concept as far as they could in S2. but in any case, they sure came up with a brilliant ending, one of my all-time favorites.
  10. Although i'm not particularly in favor of revisiting the original triangle, if the sole purpose is to spite HG ("IN YO FACE M*****KERS!"), then hey i'm all for it!
  11. I'll say this, at least. of all the Macross "sequels", only FB2012 gave me that warm, giddy feeling of unbridled nostalgia. yes, even more than a whole 25-episode homage-heavy Macross Frontier series ever did.
  12. Sure, starting with Macross Frontier may not be the best way to introduce someone to the franchise, but continuing it with Robotech is way way WAY worse. spare your son from the suffering!
  13. Well that teaches me to react too quickly. hehe. If that's the SDF3 in discussion, that would indeed be worth seeing. at the very least, they would have one kick-ass captain.
  14. SDF.... 3? wait, are we talking about the same series here?
  15. Almost the same for me. I interpreted it as a "Hah. made you look. give it up, i'm never gonna go there again, but i'll keep teasing you coz the look on your face is priceless!" from Kawamori.
  16. Wiki'd it, and it sounds fairly interesting. thanks for the tip.
  17. cool. a reason to do another SDFM marathon. ... as if i needed a reason.
  18. Don't kid yourselves. No one can ever truly figure out the Beauty of Craziness called Macross 7. BOMBA!!
  19. Yeah, i agree completely! i'm certainly not a teen anymore, but i used to be one, so I find that i can still be turned on by young teenaged characters and.... wait... um... that's wasn't really what you were saying, was it? ahem. never mind.
  20. W-w-what??? Have the kid who's responsible for what could be the biggest c@*kblock in all of history as a passenger?? no freakin way!
  21. And you were actually able to watch this mind-blowingly awesome piece of cinematic history?? you lucky jammy bastard.
  22. ... and oh so white and soft to the touch...
  23. lol. who knows? maybe the Ludovico Technique was performed on me without me remembering. it would explain why i automatically cringe and feel like vomiting whenever i hear Stagefright.
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