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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. Oh Robotech, how I hate you...
  2. But isn't Fuller gone again? i seem to remember reading something to that effect a few months ago... or is my memory getting cross-wired?
  3. haha. no wonder i liked the OP theme.
  4. Watched 2 episodes of Hataraki Man. hmm... i'm guessing as a Jdrama, this would work (specially with a popular lead actress to play the part), but as anime... meh. On a brighter note, watching KOR tv series. already into episode 5. way to go old school!!
  5. Wait, that is supposed to be Mylene, right? If not for the front strands of hair standing up, i would have confused her for Sheryl.
  6. Seduced by the Devil's Advocate: So Kamjin was actually referring to Hikaru the whole time?? the one human pilot who actually managed to damage him in action?? wow, talk about a case of mistaken identity. Kamjin: you mean, there was someone even better than the Ace i fought?? *faints*
  7. sharp stick, love stick, same... banana.
  8. I always got the feeling that Global was using the media. i think macross city aboard the SDF was generally a military regime. what Global says, goes. so he used the media to keep the citizens calm, making announcements, hell, even airing an inter-species wedding. In MII timeline, now that civilization has settled down and has returned (preumably) to a sort-of democracy, we see the old ways and the old sins (i.e news blackouts, manipulation of free press) come back to the surface.
  9. And this, ladies and gentlemen, we must never EVER forget. Vigilance!!
  10. Just because he isn't unliked, doesn't mean he's loved. it could just mean he was totally forgettable. ("huh? who's Gamlin again? oh yeah, that one.he was... ok") or he just didn't merit any strong emotion, one way or another. EDIT: What Killer Robot said.
  11. So... let's all pool the money to get that ad up?
  12. Just to play the devil's advocate here, who says there has to be 2 timelines? given the time when MII took place (circa 2090s), you could stretch a bit and say that MII could still happen in the main timeline. sometime after Frontier, SDF1 Macross could become abandoned because it inexplicably started firing random blasts into space, earth civilization could regress into a cyber-punk style, the colonies could have become totally independent civilizations, thus giving the impression that earth is on its own again, the minmay defense gets used because of the success of music against the vajra (and not to mention a fully AI defense mech had its... glithces.). All i'm saying is, as much as i didn't like the state of the Macross Universe as depicted in Macross II, who's to say that it still couldn't happen by 2090?
  13. Let's try this again... It's my least favorite Macross. even before i found out it was retconned out of existence, i didn't really like it that much. Macross II was amazing in the sense that it was a sequel to the original SDFM. At the time, there was nothing else. But on its own, Macross II didn't really offer anything much. It felt like a blatant rip-off of the original, without its original spirit. sure, every subsequent macross followed a certain teamplate (music, mecha, love triangle), but none followed the stereotypes as unimaginatively as MII. It's like a checklist. Civilian pacifist who knows how to pilot, and gets swept into the war? check. Idol singer to be the leading lady of the civilian? check. Military girl who is initially the civilian's antagonist, but eventually sweeps him off his feet? check. new alien race attacks? check. idol singer saves the day, but military girl gets the guy? check. Despite the stereotypes, MII might have worked if it still captured the spirit of SDFM. But i felt it didn't. i don't know what felt off. maybe it was that the love triangle aspect was too forced to be believable. the threat of warfare was too weak. or maybe the characters just weren't developed enough. i just didn't get that same vibe that i felt when i watched SDFM. can't explain for now, since i'm relying on my memory of the series. maybe, if i watch MII again, i could pinpoint what's wrong about it. As for the story's progression, episode 1 showed a little promise. but as it went along, things went downhill for me. and to make it worse, i have this lingering image of a destroyed Macross, and its surviving, magical floating bridge. what the f**k was with that??
  14. Why bother with the plane ride? the richest MW member should just give BW the money to produce the full HD reanimating of Macross...with English subtitles. sweet and simple, and we get first dibs!
  15. Hey, as long as I get to see that reanimated SDFM before Earth-turned-parasite starts to make out with the Black Hole, I'm in!
  16. Thanks for posting the screencaps kresphy! dammm, i am in nostalgia heaven all over again...
  17. You must be referring to the Robot Chicken version, with Bodolza being the Ultimate care bear. talk about ethnic cleansing. "Hooray for murder!"
  18. LOL! The mystery is solved, what a revelation! Waitaminute... i think you do have something there... Hikaru slapped Minmay. Isamu punched Myung. Shin threatened Sara with a sharp stick. Alto pushed Sheryl's face forcibly against a wall. As for Basara... well, he did whine a lot.
  19. Let's face it, the Macross universe is one slap-happy place! I must admit, even as an Irrational Sheryl Fanboy, Ranka's slap didn't come across as a despicable thing to do. At the time, I did see it as a parody of the DYRL minmay bitch slap. I say parody, because i saw the sheryl slap as a homage, but when ranka made it a point to settle the score, i found it funny. I honestly felt that the writers were intentionally making a funny. But now that Mike_s_6 has pointed it out, and removing myself from the "homage/parody" perspective, let me be in character and exclaim, "Shame on you Ranka! What you did was utterly despicable and inexcusable! SHAME!!!"
  20. Well, if it turns out that YK really isn't from this planet, as hypothesised, your main premise would still be correct.
  21. Well, you can take solace in the fact that one of your favorites (Misa) doesn't have a vote to her name. EDIT: Wait, there's one already? Oh my, who dared vote for the cougar? so Guld is officially the only one without a vote? what's wrong guys, scared of being labeled an alien-hater?
  22. I have the same view of her later songs. after all, what's the point of all that symbolsim of her finally finding "her" song, if she still has someone else compose them. You forgot to mention one song, though. and ironically, her most popular one in the macross universe: Oboeteimasuka - music and lyrics by the protoculture, translation by Misa Hayase. ouch. Wait, are you sure Marge didn't write Sharon Apple's songs?
  23. ha. they'd make for great stress balls.
  24. We know of at least one: Cinderella (that was the one she was singing while trapped under SDF, right?). the rest? dunno.
  25. well there is a fanfic running around that basically places them into the future from a fold malfunction. written by someone named... Mcjimmy or Mckimby or something...
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