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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. I love all of her songs, but my favorite has always been Cinderella. whenever it plays, i automatically increase the volume, and close me eyes as that song washes over me. it just feels so beautiful, that song. and it doesn't hurt that it's the 1st song minmay ever sung in the series, and in such a heartfelt manner.
  2. Maybe it's as simple as this: we placed SDFM on a pedestal so freakin high, that anything else pales in comparison. if i look at it objectively, SDFM has its flaws (particularly animation and editing wise), but pigs will fly the day i ever say that SDFM isn't the best damn macross series of all time (and that includes macross series yet to be produced in the future). I think nostalgia plays a big role, and sometimes even if an anime is a decent series, it could be lambasted as a failure, just because it isn't the original SDFM.
  3. Without a moment's hesitation - GERWALK! Hey, anyone can do jet fighters. anyone can do robots. but... both?? at the same time??? what the hell is that mystical mecha???? And besides, when it came to the Nintendo side-scroller game, Gerwalk rules!
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINMAY!! Oh boy, and what a year it's gonna be.
  5. haha. macross for tots. and it just had to be the lousy art version of macross.
  6. Finally saw the Kakizaki/Itano circus reference by Kyon in the new Haruhi Suzumiya. cool.
  7. LOL. I always thought that Alto was just being emo for emo's sake at that point. since there was a forced evacuation, the safest place to be would be a shelter. i don't see the point of waiting for your death inside a concert hall. a lot of good it did minmay's fans in DYRL. Either the writers were trying to establish from the get-go that Alto had no problems facing up to a diva, or they were reverse-referencing minmay's attempt to sing through an attack during her concert in SDFM. Back on topic: I would personally prefer if the movie tried to compress the series, like what DYRL did. sure, there would probably be a lack of character development, but i don't see the point of making a movie about the first part of the series, and then following it up with another one later on. if that was the case, it would be like merely re-creating the series from scratch. if so, what was the point of the first one?
  8. OR maybe when they found the sound card for the song, the powers that be took it as a sign to FINALLY make a film about SW1? Thank god they found that soundcard. otherwise, DYRL wouldn't have been made, and it wouldn't have won 10,000 oscar awards in the 2040s.
  9. me, i still don't get what the circus master's power really is. does it have something to do with earth? or with the tatoo ink? or both? on another note, news says that the ratings for the premiere are terrible. things are not looking up for Heroes at this point. why they (the writers) insist on slow-playing the plot despite failing ratings eludes me.
  10. The figure's spot-on. but the face... seems a bit too goody-goody for me. in other words, not bad-ass enough to look like Revy (even Revy on a good day).
  11. Smallville. It's gone way beyond absurd, and has overstepped continuity countless times beyond repair.... but i still end up watching it. sigh.
  12. And don't forget he has a younger sidekick (Yin).
  13. What a monster!
  14. OMFG that is awesome!!! Thanks for this.
  15. How dare you insult the queen of earth, cats and baby chickens like that? Off with his head!
  16. Oh now THAT is indeed unfortunate. a case of wrong timing. oh well look at it this way, you just saved yourself a TON of money.
  17. Well, we all did. but not without some scars.
  18. I just gotta say, this one's my fave: Ho can you not fall in love with that??
  19. Don't want to open a new thread just to post a single comment, so... I swear, it looks like she's doing the nyan nyan dance. (oh and so i don't get into hot water with the mods, this pic (along with other fantastic screencaps) is just from a pachinco game).
  20. It's ALIVE. (the thread, i mean). have fun pondo. and wait til you get to ep 12.
  21. It's unfortunate that this thread has been demoted to the Games subsection. it would certainly make for good discussion, regardless if the animation is just for a pachingco game. i mean, this is what we macross fans are here for, right? to search for new macross-related material and reminisce on the memories we have of the old one. even if the new animation is just for a game, it still satisfies the dual purpose, and is quite capable of making us macross fans geek out.
  22. I wouldn't mind Gabriela Robin hypnotizing and taking over the world. long live the queen of earth and cats.
  23. A very powerful creature that could kill an entire bridge crew without ever touching the bridge.
  24. Eternal vigilance, my friend. eternal vigilance.
  25. Not when you're wishing a Macross icon squished by... by... Khyron.
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