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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. Found it! The Macross Deculture Cookbook Check to see if you still have a chance to survive.
  2. I'm pretty sure even without the threat of annihilation from an alien race, singers will still find their reasons to sing. heck, get anyone drunk while doing karaoke, and try to give them a reason NOT to sing. that'll be much harder.
  3. I seem to recall that old thread where we discussed, with much detail, the effects of any food in the macross universe, complete with combinations, exclusions and permutations.
  4. You know what, forget about high school musical. the way Sheryl and Ranka mashed-up several songs in the Nyan Nyan medley, they'd fit right in with Glee. Glee even had a diva-off episode once. perfect.
  5. my two all-time favorite anime series combined! in a perfect world, there would be 365 episodes of this and 12 full length movies.
  6. Bobby would. all the more if it's by Cher.
  7. Wait, isn't that the same rich girl that owns the island and wants Akito to stay with her? Or is she someone else entirely? Hm... i'd better watch that episode again.
  8. With Global and Britai as the two grumpy old men watching from the balcony box.
  9. I don't really know the economics of it, but maybe a reanimated SDFM doesn't have to be such a major production. for the 30th anniversary, they can still come up with a new macross production AND the reanimated SDFM. And when i said frame for frame, line for line, i meant it. No need for seiyuus, writers, composers, directors and other production expenses. Use the same dialogue, score, and soundtrack. Just hire the animators and CGI people. Like Vepariga said, purely as a tribute. sell it on DVD for a gazillion dollars, and a macross fan like me will eat it up like crazy. Ok, not for a gazillion dollars. a little less than that would work.
  10. 15,532 times, to be exact.
  11. I would definitely be against a remake... but i would love it if they reanimated the whole thing (frame for frame, line for line) with the same quality as those scenes from the pachingco game. i wouldn't mind that at all.
  12. Actually made me think of doing the exact same thing in my room. a true macross fan would just come in, see the poster upside down, and cry happy tears, saying "I get it man. I get it!"
  13. LOL. K-on meets macross. with Ranka taking the place of that teacher/has-been rock star. i'd watch that; it would be good for a lot of laughs.
  14. Cool! Thanks for the feedback.
  15. yes, I know who the flower girl is from M7. what I can't remember is where there was a flower girl in Nadesico. i'm guessing she's the one in the secluded island, but Redwolf may be referring to someone else.
  16. Flower girl? Is this the spoiled girl in the island (that looks like south ataria)? or is it someone else? anyway, i didn't catch that reference.
  17. Oh definitely.
  18. It's like watching SDFM for the first time all over again.
  19. As Spock would say, "Fascinating". EDIT: I'm having fun reading his blog. it's quite a new perspective, one that i've always been curious about. I wonder what his final opinion will be by the end of SDFM. Thanks for the link.
  20. And you wonder why people ever thought that Max was having an affair with this girl? Tuna head!! Damn, i didn't catch that before.
  21. OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG!!!! oh to be there in Japan right now... Finally, a minmay decal on the VF1! and i loved how that collection of VF's were hung in a way to show it transforming into battroid. cool!
  22. Here's something that would be interesting: If we can find someone whose first intro into the macross world was Macross Frontier (had absolutely no idea what macross was all about), watched MF, LOVED it, and decided to watch SDFM as a result, just to get a better background of the macross universe -- would he: a) think that SDFM was cool, but pales in comparison to this cool new show called MF; or b) think that while MF was cool, SDFM was way WAY cooler, and MF was just a pale imitation of this kick-a$$ original series. Anyone?
  23. THANK YOU. close enough.
  24. I'm not taking a side here, just a speculation. maybe she agreed to do the show in the first place on the condition that she would be allowed to sing some originals. I've heard about her hesitation to go back to the minmay role, because she wants to promote her own stuff; so maybe this is the way they convinced her to come back.
  25. You're right. It's never unfair to demand something. wrong choice of words from me. what i'm saying is, you can't really blame them. i'm sure they put in a lot of marketing research into it, and the numbers showed that that's what majority of the young fans wanted. I don't think it's an insult; it's just what the numbers told them to do. if the producers' premise is wrong (that young otaku are looking for the cheap ecchi and moe stuff), then the stuff won't sell, and it'll die a natural death. And i agree, the classics became classics because they were well written and thought out. but they came out circa 80's, during a different time. i don't know if the formula would work in this particular time period. if there was no macross in 1982, and it was only aired in 2000s, would it have the same effect on the industry? would kids at our age at the time we first watched macross also love it as much? would it have as many die-hard fans around the world? 25 years down the line, would it have those same fans still pining for it, putting up a forum, buying merchandise and waiting for the next macross product? I don't know. i'm not arguing that it will, i'm not arguing that it won't. i really don't know. it worked for Gurren, but who did it really appeal to? did it appeal to old-school mecha fans? yes. did it also appeal to the young fans? i don't know. i don't have the demographics data. and besides, gurren also has its fair share of fan service, so i don't know if i should have used it as an example in the first place.
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