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Everything posted by VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.COM

  1. It is a definite possibility the contract/agreement would remain in effect but if Toycom was officially "closed" for business and the Yamato USA was opened, then perhaps it is a loophole... Toycom could have easily made a public statement that it had changed names... Whatever the case may be, it's a little too late...The Macross toy market is flooded here in the US and overseas... -K
  2. Toycom (when George Sohn--the current Toynami owner--was around), signed an agreement that it would not distribute Macross toys under a lawsuit initiated by HG... I just wonder whether the agreement has legal recourse with Toycom from HG but now that the company is Yamato USA, we still may see Macross toys stateside... -K
  3. Hi Recon, I did order from Noel for the FPs. He says the items are in Japan but he hasn't gone back to Japan to pick them up. -K
  4. I'm still waiting for them to arrive...Should arrive sometime next week. -Kevin So Kevin, you are selling them too? I have a small quantity of them coming and still have some remaining stock but until the shipment arrives I have removed it from the site to ensure I don't oversell. -K
  5. I'm still waiting for them to arrive...Should arrive sometime next week. -Kevin
  6. I will be carrying these...No sure how many but I will have a decent stock... -Kevin
  7. IMHO I don't think Toynami has made an agreement directly with BW. That speculation would then signify that royalties are paid directly to BW, bypassing HG. If anything, HG has worked something out with BW. -K
  8. Sorry about that... I was thinking K&M figures....I do have the CMS figures coming soon and plenty on order... -Kevin
  9. Your shipment went out yesterday as well ! -Kevin
  10. Project was canned...Not sure why... -Kevin
  11. Actually, I managed to squeeze it in today's drop...You should have it within 2-3 days. -Kevin
  12. I've got them- Plenty in stock! VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.COM -Kevin
  13. I usually ship next business day! -Kevin
  14. I don't recall any of the DVDs have any extras on them... The thing to point out is that the FX Perfect Edition is out of print again. No word on when more is being produced but I have a good stash of them in stock. I'm located north of Los Angeles, CA. -Kevin PS- Exo, I would have pimped VE but I figured it would be good to have an unbiased reply.
  15. There are three different covers, two versions on DVD. 1) Minmay and Hikaru Floating (Orange Cover) 2) Minmay Singing 3) Minmay and Hikaru Floating (Pinkish/Red Cover) - Labeled as FX Macross Movie Perfect Edition DVDs 1 and 2 are ripped from the original DYRL laserdisc- video quality is good. Can't remember if it is full screen or letterbox. Subs are very good on this one. DVD 3 is ripped from the DYRL R2 DVD with anamorphic, widescreen video quality. Subs are decent but not good as DVD 1 & 2 versions. Also, there is no english dialog version. I'd recommend DVD #3. -Kevin
  16. latitude 34.4472 34° 26' 49" longitude -118.553 -118° 33' 10" Valencia, CA -K
  17. I have them on order but won't offer them until the order is confirmed. Last time, I had oversold and had to turn people away. -K
  18. Shall we submit her sob story to the folks on ABC's Extreme Makover??? -K
  19. I can concur that 7 Valks are shipping today to Godzilla. -Kevin
  20. Bandai's Q/C seems to be the best in class. Perhaps, it's the simpler design oft eh chunkey money...! I'd say Yamato and Toynami are close...If I had to average it out, I'd for every release of a item, I'd get one or perhaps two problem toys. The only exception was the VF-11B hip joint disaster... From what I understand of an manufacturing industry standard, it's about right... -Kevin
  21. Duplicate entry or typo? Great list though! Interesting stuff! Thanks for posting it! H Yep, duplicate...
  22. You should see my summarized list of Q/C issues... -Kevin
  23. Well, since I'm reporting problems..Here's the sort of issues (of what I can remember) I've come across since Yamato started producing Macross toys...Keep in mind, my list goes back about 3 years and with all the Valkyries that passed through my hands, it was a small percentage. Most of these were reported by customers and promptly exchanged/replaced. Also, I did pass it along with Yamato when I had the chance... 12 -15? X VF11B Broken Hips 2 X Missing instructions/decals 1/60 VF-19A 1 X Faceplate Broken Tab 1/60 VF1A Hikaru 1 X Broken Shoulder Hinge 1/60 VF1A Max 2 X Broken Tail fin on 1/60 Super VF1J Max 1 X Broken Tail fin on 1/60 Super VF1J Miriya 1 X Missing boosters on 1/60 Super VF1J Miriya 1 X Broken Hip YF-21 FP 1 X Missing attenae on 1/60 SuperOstrich 1 x Missing instructions/stickers on 1/48 VF1A Hikaru 1 x Two right should plates on 1/48 VF1A Hikaru 1 x Two right should plates on 1/48 Super VF1J Max 1 x Missing left hand 1/48 VF1A Hikaru 1 X Crooked Seat assembly on 1/48 VF1S (V1) 1 X Crooked Seat assembly on 1/48 Super VF1J Max Oh, and just to be fair, I also had my share of Toynami MPC issues 2-3 X Loose Legs/no ratcheting of leg on MPC VOl. 1 1 X Glue hands stuck inside forearm MPC Vol 2 3-4 X Bent Antennae MPC Vol. 3 3-4 X Misassembly of parts MPC VF1S armors And Bandai's 1 X Broken head mount Super VF1S Reissue -Kevin
  24. Alright...the first 1/48 Super VF1J Max I crack open has two right shoulder plates aseembled. As a result, my left should plate is showing the screws in the front. Anyone who has two left shoulder plates, I'd love to do a swap...Please PM me... -Kevin
  25. According to Toynami, it was a marketing decision. They reassessed the projects and felt that one set of Macross Poseables would suffice as there are more Macross projects on the horizon... The comment about future Toynami Macross projects will be quite interesting. I'll have to hit up George on this... Personally, I think there are too late in the game. We have quite a bit of a VF-1 overflow as you mentioned Apollo. Even myself, the excitement of getting another VF-1 in the collection has lost much of its luster... -K
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