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Everything posted by VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.COM

  1. The VF1A Hikaru and VF1S Focker reissues only became available a day or two ago. Not sure how Noel got them so early but Tam and I should have them in stock in about 6-9 days. -Kevin
  2. Per Toycom, their shipment is coming in sometime in Jan. Arghh..... -K
  3. Happy Turkey Day! -K
  4. How could you??? Puts hands around ears, closes eyes, and starts singing! -K
  5. It really depends on what the online dealers do with the merchandise. Anything coming from overseas will get tossed around quite a bit. It's fair to say 5% (if not more) of the merchandise will get dinged/dented one way or another. For myself, I usually put aside dinged/dented merchandise and only ship figures that are in C9+ condition. I do a visual inspection before it gets wrapped in bubble wrap and the pad extra space with unprinted newspaper. I read somewhere that UPS recommends a 1 inch gap between the merchandise and the box itself (all around) to ensure the contents are protected during transit. I keep this in mind in each package I ship out.... As for the dinged/damaged merchandise, I usually let them go for a discount. That being said, tonly catch is that dealers are dependent on the shipping companies to handle the packages with care. Sometimes, packages arrive in pristine condition. On occasion, the package looks like it went through a war zone... -K PS- Anyone looking for dinged boxed 1/48 VF1S Hikarus? I've got three laying around. Asking $125.00 plus shipping.
  6. Sorry mods...I really don't know where to put this post... I recently receieved an email allegedly from Paypal indicating that a few security routines were being conducted on my account to confirm my identity. The email requested that I provide my bank account information and my PIN. After looking at the URL, I realized the browser session was not secure so I looked at the URL again. The URL was "www.paypal-billing.net" not www.paypal.com and used all the PayPal logos. I got very suspicious and reported it to PayPal. Here's PayPal's reponse! BEWARE GUYS!!! I almost fell for it. Dear Kevin Lam, Thank you for contacting PayPal. Thank you for bringing this suspicious email to our attention. We can confirm that the email you received; was not sent to you by PayPal. The website linked to this email is not a registered URL authorized or used by PayPal. We are currently investigating this incident fully. Please do not enter any personal or financial information into this website. If you have surrendered any personal or financial information to this fraudulent website, you should immediately log into your PayPal Account and change your password and secret question and answer information. Any compromised financial information should be reported to the appropriate parties. If you notice any unauthorized activity associated with your PayPal transaction history, please immediately report this to PayPal by following the instructions below: 1. Go to https://www.paypal.com/ 2. Click on the Security Center at the bottom of the page 3. Click on "Report a Problem" 4. Select the Topic: Report Fraud 5: Select the Subtopic: Unauthorized use of my PayPal Account, and click Continue. 6. Follow the instructions to access the appropriate form If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again. Sincerely, PayPal Account Review Department PayPal, an eBay Company Original Message Follows: ------------------------- Form Message customer subject: Valid PayPal site? customer message: The web address (URL) of the site you are reporting: 'http://www.paypal-billing.net/' Message: 'Here is the email send to me PayPal Verification System! Dear PayPal Member We are currently performing regular maintenance of our security measures. Your account has been randomly selected for this maintenance, and you will now be taken through a series of identity verification pages. To complete the verification process as a PayPal Member you must provide us with a debit card issued by you primary bank. Don't worry, your debit card will not be charged! Protecting the security of your PayPal account is our primary concern, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. You must click the link below and enter your infromations on the following page to confirm your identity. > >Click here to complete the verification process > >Thank you for using PayPal! The PayPal Team > > >Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and choose the "Help" link in the footer of any pa'
  7. Running a retail operation (whether it be toys or other items) has it's pros and cons....If one has a nice niche market, then it's probably easier. For toys as a whole, it's a tough business. IMHO, it's more a personal commitment/enjoyment for Valkyries than anthing else.... PROS ===== - access to toys at a discount. That being said, wholesale prices for Macross toys are not as great as one may believe...Since US dealers cannot get Valks directly through Yamato, we are dependent on middleman and thus the discounts are not great. - real world entrepreneurial work experience. I've started out on eBAY back in '95 and taking payments via check/money order. Then, PayPal and a simple shopping cart on VE came along and made it that much easier....Since then, I've been able to set up a more robust shopping cart and integrate taking credit card payments directly. At the same time, I've streamlined the mailing processes. Before I use to run to the post office everyday and wait in line. Now I print shipping labels from my PC and just drop off the packages while the people in line stare in great envy... CONS ========== - Having crushed boxes caused by careless airline and delivery companies - High shipping cost. Sometimes you'll bring things in and sell at a loss once everything is done. - Q/C issues that are not covered by the mfg. and absorbed as a loss - Losted/damaged/stolen packages = upset customers. Filing a claim is a headache to do. - In rare instances, difficult customers are hard to please...Somtimes you really bend over backwards... Yes, I do work full-time and run VE on the side. It's a very trick juggling act that has gotten a bit harder this past year....Like I said, it's more personal enjoyment... -K
  8. First off---Jesse, thank you for all your hard in getting what we were able to get. It's really too bad things didn't work out..... I'm looking to get a refund...Like everyone, I don't think anyone has the patience to go through another waiting game. -K
  9. Majestic basically got the point... In essence--we are mostly deprived kids, now grown working adults, wanting to recoup fond child memories or missed opportunities... When I was young, we were too poor to buy toys--never celebrated Xmas or even birthdays. My mom managed to get a Strike Valkyrie for me but it took her a few months to save for it ....I still have the very toy in my collection and cherish it.... Now...My mom thinks I'm nuts when she sees all 40 Valks on the shelf... -K
  10. We've received our second shipment. Good amount of stock remaining. -K
  11. Been collecting since 97 when I got out of college and money rolling in! -K
  12. 1/48 Valks and FP's do not come factory sealed. -K
  13. If I brought the life size figure home, I'm sure my wife would leave me....
  14. I belive it is a 1/60 scale GBP. The Yamato Escaflowne figure is supppose to be about 8 inches tall so this looks about proportionate to the 1/60. -K
  15. $800 on a Takatoku VF-1S/GBP-1S Set back in 1999. I sent cash via Express mail to a guy from Italy. It took me two months to get it....(Long story) and I was walking on nails the whole time! -K
  16. I have the YF-21 and VF11B Fast Packs on sale. $65 each! PM me if you are interested. Regards, Kevin
  17. That is some nice work, Rob! Me Wants One!
  18. Two versions are avail. One as standalone and one with TV Fast Packs. -K
  19. My personal collection 1/72 = 23 1/60 = 33 1/48 = 12
  20. It's true! More VF-1S and VF-1As on the way! -K
  21. Do my collection count? (The ones I do keep for myself )
  22. Shipments (VE/VT/FP) started going out today. -Kevin
  23. Hopefully you had enough to cover preorders. Yep, enough to cover preorders and extras. -Kevin
  24. Yep, the box sizes for the 1/48 FP and especially the VT-1 and VE-1 killed the dealers...Shipping costs were about 30% more than expected!
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