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Everything posted by cynispin

  1. Irish whiskey for the win
  2. It looks so clean! The Battroid I'm working on right now is not coming out that way so far, but this is my first attempt at washing for panel lines.
  3. I second that! I am just going to stick to washes, because I can't imagine not screwing up the paint. Might try it anyway, though.
  4. That's incredible! I think on my next model I'm going to use the pre-shading technique. You've certainly sold me on it
  5. You into DnB??? That's awesome! Edit: BTW, I've got my VF-1D Battroid that I just started on. I'm going to do Max's color scheme and some sort of dio (probably just some simple terrain with maybe some scorched Earth)
  6. I agree, there should totally be a weathering thread! Can't wait to see the updates
  7. Looking nice so far - my local hobby store has this kit, but they want $60 for it. I guess it's not too much more than the cost of importing it, but I'm not ready to drop the cash for it yet. I guess I need to finish my other kit first anyway.
  8. But why are they using such primitive weapons?? Sorry, couldn't resist.
  9. Cool! Do you have any pictures of your work with one of them? I've seen them at the hobbie store, but I hadn't considered using them. I want to do the wash technique, but I have an SD Gundam that I wouldn't mind using it on.
  10. Awesome! Get going on that VF-0, 'cause I wanna see it. I will probably end up doing it in the future
  11. ! Seconded. This is exactly the sort of weather/damage work I'd like to do on my models
  12. Awesome! I'm in the same boat right now, only it's just been a few years since my last model. I decided to brush up with a Gundam model, since they're abundant and cheap. I've got a Super Valkyrie on the way that I'll start on once I am ready. I've learned so much about modeling from this and other websites - it's like a whole different world than when I was little! Back then I just put the thing together, did a little detail paint, and set her up
  13. I second that. Can somebody post some progress pictures here?
  14. I agree, but for nostalgia I love it! I ended up losing my old super valkyrie in a move (it was unfinished and ended up getting trashed by someone helping me move ), but I plan on doing another one sometime in the future in a "candy" paint style as a nod to the vintage model look. But, I do remember seeing some incredible works done from the old kits at conventions.
  15. Wow! I'd never heard of using cooking oil! When I was younger, I used WD-40 on my jet kits for landing gears if there was a bit of friction. That Valkyrie is gorgeous, by the way! I would love to grime and shoot it up, though...
  16. http://www.steelfalcon.com/macrossmecha.html This is an ancient website dedicated to the Palladium based RPG system for Macross, if you're interested. I'd go with the d-20 system briscojr84 mentioned.
  17. I'm glad you made a thread about this! I know there is an anime mecha based system that I'd found a good while back, and it seems like it was a bit more aimed toward Patlabor and Gundam. I know there were people who'd adapted it for Macross. Actually, I'm almost positive that there's a Battletech community online that had done some specs for Valks and other mechs from the series.
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