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Everything posted by vanpang

  1. Actually when SDF-1 folded, it took the island and part of the surrounding ocean around the islands. And because the tuna was near the island, it folded into space as well.
  2. Noel, thanks for the pix. Great photos as ususal !!!
  3. Wonder the maker is Yamato ? Since only Yamato is producing the 1/48 scales
  4. Three in the whole world. Talk about exclusive !!!
  5. I hope you are right, the OVA seems too short and things were just beginning to pick up in episode 4. It would be great if Episode 5 would be longer than average 30 min and it would be better if they can extend to 1 hour. However if the pre-order price in cdjapan is the same as the previous episodes then it is a good bet it would be only 30 mins.
  6. Case closed ?
  7. I love Macross 2. A pity it is not in the occial timeline, the mecha design for the variable fighters were great and teh characther design by HAL is good as usual !!!
  8. I was thinking if issues with HG is resolved, I think the huge demand from US would actually encourage Bandai to produced a another Macross series despite the low popularity of Macross in Japan. For example if you take Big-O, it was not popular in Japan but it was popular in the US that prompted them to make Big-O II.
  9. I would think that the characters themselves converse both English and and their respective ethic languages. If you compared to the current UN Peacekeepers force, I think they tend to speak English if they are reporting to a comander from a different. So since UN Spacey is under the UN jurisdiction, the official language is likely to be English unless you are conversing with someone from the same country.
  10. if the world is united under one single govt, ast least we have a slight chance to built it. If not it would take too much money, resources for one country to absorb.
  11. Actually guys I would prefer it if they retell the story through the manga format. This is similar to the gundam tv series which was retold in a comic version. They can keep the main elements intact but should have the liberties to differ the minor events in the story.
  12. vanpang

    From Asia

    well done Izzy, Have you determine the price range yet and how do we order from u ?
  13. Quick Graham, leave work early and tell us how it is !!!
  14. vanpang

    1/60 Gbp

    I never did managed to get the 1/60 super VF-1J, so good time to get the VF-1J GBP he he !
  15. Congratulations Graham ! Please keep us posted !!! I am curious what is Nora up to
  16. Fellow Valks Jockeys, I considering getting the Macross Dioroma by Tomy. Just wondering has anyone gotten the set yet and tell me whether it is worth getting it. Thanks
  17. yikes, I cringed at the sight of the pictures. Lets hope you can get a refund for it
  18. That is pretty cool. No need for "Minmay Attack", humans can introduce a new type of culture shock attack, getting those zentradies drunk by shotting beers at them. (But Roy may want to reserve the "ammo" for this type of attack)
  19. with only 5 episodes available, it probably going to be an abrupt ending. If that is the case, I am not going to like that !!!
  20. Budweiser ? where ? any pixs ?
  21. Dig this guys, Claudia is taller than Hikaru...ha ha ha !
  22. I would definitely get the launch arm but I wait to see how the final VF-0 would be like before buying it. You guys would need to consider whether to buy the 1/48 VF-1J Millia which is out now !!! Money ..money... I need more maney !!!
  23. vanpang

    Kids and your toys

    post a squad of valkyries around, that would scare them away !!!
  24. Hey Macross / Robotech is for everyone including porn actress. But I wonder how does a whimp like Rick Hunter from RT appeal to her ?
  25. hear ! hear ! Pat Payne ! I Long Live DYRL !!!
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