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Everything posted by vanpang

  1. Can anyone confirm this, I keep hearing there are two versions for the CF. One is the Limited Hobby Show version and the other normal production version. Anyone can confirm this ?
  2. Yes i think it is. "Sousei no Aquarion Trailer " is the new tv series directed by shoji kawamori according to www.animenewsnetwork.com. Click here Aquarion. Hope it would be good.
  3. Hi all, I heard news that there is a new anime series being aired in April 2005 in Japan which was directed by Shoji Kawamori. Any truth to that ?
  4. I hope I can get at a few of these to strengthen my current Skull Squadron !!!
  5. I would check with him again and let you guys know later. Yes, please check again! On a side note. Just today I was able to secure a copy of one of the Macross PS2 game book. I was looking forward to seeing some artwork, instead there's so plenty of game guides (as a game book should). The other game book will arrive soon. I guess I shouldn't expect too much! Sorry guys, the bookshop staff told me that he could not get me the ISBN number until end of this month (end of this week) when the book is released in Japan. However, he said it is on Macross designwork and so it might the book Graham mentioned earlier "'Kazutaka Miyatake Macross & Orguss Design Works". I would check with him end of this week and let you guys know.
  6. I would check with him again and let you guys know later.
  7. Hi welcome to Macross World !
  8. I went to my regular Japanese book store today and was told by one of the staff that there would be a new Macross Design Works by Shoji Kawamori coming out end of this month in Japan and the price is around USD50.00. Unfortunately, he could not tell me whether this is a reprint of the 2002 version or a revised updated 2005 version. Anyone else know antything about this ?
  9. Let hope a movie version of Macross Zero would appear sometime in the near future with a better plot and an understandable ending !!!
  10. Let hope a movie version of Macross Zero would appear sometime in the near future with a better plot and an understandable ending !!!
  11. Yeah no doubt about it, budwisers and Fosters are the best !
  12. EXCELLENT!!! Hey where is GU-11 gunpod ?! BTW I think the Valk head would have a bit of difficulty looking over those shoulder launchers !
  13. It is still a prototype, this is still going to be a long wait.
  14. I recently bought a YF-21 for SD80.00 in Singapore. And the shopowner was quite freindly as well.
  15. special science force ? Was Isamu testing some new experimental fighters ?
  16. I first exposed to Macross by watching a few episodes in Cantonese dubbed version/VHS format during the 80s and when my mom bought me the First Bandai Super Valyrie I immediately fell in love with show !!! Of course the current 1/48 scale Yamato also maintain this love !!!
  17. Hi All, know where I can find the XM16SE rifle ? I must miss it somewhere in the game.
  18. Actually later down the game, if you save the game and talk to the Para-Medic, she would mentioned about the movie "The Spy who love Me" and Snake would complained he would never be like James Bond before their conversation is interupted by the Major. Quite hillarious !
  19. I am not sure whether it is appropriate to post this here but moderator do feel free move this tread elsewhere since it is not Macross related. I was looking through a magazine and there is article on a movie on the SDF navy rescue divers and there is a picture of a diver saluting with his left hand ? Is this correct or a flipped photo ? As I understand it, most world armies salutes with their right hand. In addition, I have seen certain japanese anime like Gundam where troops saluted with their left hand but I always thought this is an animation error and not the norm !
  20. Looks like the great Shoji has many ideas and designs stacked up. May we see more of them in future Macross anime !!!
  21. Sorry guys, can you enlighten me on this one. Is this a new anime series ? The plane looks pretty cool but which time line would it fall under ?
  22. I just managed to finish Macross Zero Ep 5. Like most of you, I wished they did a better to bridge Ep 4 and Ep 5. It just doesn't make any sense, in Episode 4, we were left with a cliff hanger of the anti-un bombing the jungles. And Sara and Shin was no where near Aries and Roy. All of a sudden in Ep 5, Roy and Shin were resuced by the UN forces but Sara and Aries were captured ! What gives ? Wish they did a better job with the bridging of the episodes ! On the hand, the dog fighting scenes were superb, I really like the battle scenes of Shin/Nora and DD/Roy. However I find a bit far fetch that Shin's battle skills have improved significantly after getting trashed by Nora so many times. But the fact he is on a mission to rescue Sara has increased his battle potential ?
  23. Hey guys, I agree that Mac Zero helmets has the best design so far but they are not designed for space use !!!
  24. Hear ! hear ! If Bandai do make a movie version, let hope it would be longer version to better develop the characters.
  25. Happy Belated Birthday SDF-1 Macross !!!
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