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Everything posted by vanpang

  1. Hannah is the Poster Girl for Animax- Asia, the anime dedicated cable TV channel. see link http://hannahtan.cari.com.my/
  2. Happy Belated Birthday Macross !
  3. Never say "never" !
  4. Okay it is about 50 minutes after 6pm in HK now..... (waiting anxiously for Graham's review)
  5. Hi Swoosh, If you can read chinese, any complaints about the sv-51 in Toys Daily ?
  6. Wow that some trashing your box took, I am surprised your VF-0A shin survived in one piece ! There must be anti-macross fans in the postal department
  7. Lets not be hasty, I don't think Graham has any hidden agendas with Yamato. On the contrary it could be Yamato giving wrong info to Graham but the info were dispensed in good faith. At this point, Yamato has not officially comfirmed the VF-0A Shin's arms are made from POMs or not, so lets not jump to conclusions. Lets be patient for a bit more, lets see what Yamato has to say first.
  8. Use them in a diaroma as battle damaged arms scattered in the battlefield !
  9. so far so good, phew ! Okay lets keep it that way, huh Yamato !
  10. R.I.P Kentaro-San
  11. superb, yeah I can't wait !
  12. She is a beauty ! I be getting mine pretty soon as well ! Can't wait to get it !
  13. Please please tell us more !
  14. Gone are the days of the Red Baron & Erich Hartmann, there are no such things as dogfights nowadays ! In the Future, it would be even more disgusting, two oponents flying remote controlled UAVs to duke it out from the Ground ! You would get a medal from shooting the other UAV from the ground !
  15. Thanks for the link. The Garlands look interesting but appears not to be transformable. Anyone knows which company is the Graland from ?
  16. vanpang

    Please Read

    there should be a few days of peace and quiet
  17. Would there be another love triangle ??!!
  18. Yamato's reputation would be hinged on the next few months Macross releases. The fixes better be there.
  19. Damn ! Thats a hot piece !!! Must get ! Must get !!! Forget the X Box 360 !!
  20. So sorry to hear about your case, I do hope you would get another Max VF-1J
  21. Graham, I pray that you are right... for the price we are about to pay for the YF-19, the qc better be good.
  22. Darn, I was hopping it was end of this week. Can't wait for this beauty !!
  23. I am getting this anyhow, I do not mind it small since my room is getting too cramped anyway. Need more space and I hope Yamato can redesign their boxes to make it more compact. Their boxes take up too much space.
  24. Oh man this is nuts, just bought the AB and now I have to fork out the money for the OA ?!!!
  25. Gee the ABs must be dirt cheap in HK if he can buy 6 valks in one go !
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