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Everything posted by Product9

  1. I didn't mean to suggest she would become Delta 2 tomorrow. It would take training time, just like it did with Hayate. But I could see her becoming proficient by the time of the last major battle of the series or something along those lines. I'm just saying that's what I'd like to see, but that doesn't mean that's what's going to happen (though it does make sense to me). I'm really looking forward to what is to come because this series has been pretty good at keeping me guessing.
  2. IMO Kaname makes the most sense, especially considering she hasn't really found her place in Walkure, or as an idol at all. I would really like to see that.
  3. The YF-29 weathered its fall surprisingly well. Also, Mikumo confirmed for squid lady.
  4. I'll let you know once I figure it out myself. Truthfully, I just saw Civil War the other day so it was on my mind...
  5. Okay, so, let me really get the crazy fan theory train rolling here What if...
  6. Messer's gonna be so surprised when he finds out what that lever does.
  7. Nah, I meant Alto. There's a scene in Frontier that has him piloting a VF-171EX with a rapid fire gunpod. If his gunpod were externally mounted (like the VF-171EX beam guns and missile pods are when in fighter) then it would explain a lot.
  8. Hey, I just realized the VF-171 Phantom Gunpod problem is back. Where did the cat-ear'd ace pilot in the -171 get that gunpod from? It just appeared in his fighter's hand after a cut. I thought I had an idea as to where a VF-171 could carry a gunpod based on the beam guns on the Frontier VF-171EX fighters (attached to the forearm/side fuselage in fighter), but after watching the scene in Delta episode 8 again there was no gunpod attached to that hardpoint. Also, Alto's gunpod was pretty rapid fire in that one scene. I have to go back and check, but did he have the same beam gun as the rest of the squadron?
  9. If that is indeed the case, then I wonder if Arad is referring to Alto. ... i mean they both have blue hair and everything.
  10. He was an Ex-Gear pilot, which was something he took seriously. Conversely, Hayate didn't take anything seriously. Also remember Alto took his training seriously as well, where Hayate was blowing off classes he didn't like.
  11. Alto was a pilot before he ever stepped into the cockpit of a fighter. Hayate is a dancer.
  12. Here's a GIF I made http://i.imgur.com/Q9m3pQ7.gif I made it pretty slow so you can experience the magic Also, note the other -171s don't have gpods. Guess there was only so much magic to go around.
  13. It's not on the belly either. First you see of it is appearing from up top in the hand already. But this is too off topic. I'll make a GIF later.
  14. That's probably the case, but either way, there's no way the gunpod's fitting in there. I just now carefully analyzed the scene from Ep14 of Frontier, frame-by-frame back and forth with as much zoom as I could get out of my local copy, and that gunpod is still a mystery. It's actually in the -171's hand as it transforms. The only possibility I can see is that it was somehow hand-carrying it in fighter mode. It does appear we can see the fist exposed when in fighter, but the camera angle doesn't give us much to work with. Sorry for going off topic. PS, if you guys want a real slow GIF of that scene, I can make that happen
  15. As for the phantom gunpod, you guys are looking for it while I'm still trying to figure out where the VF-171 in that episode of Frontier got its gunpod, since the -171's legs are far too thin to store it in there like the -17 does. I've also been re-watching action sequences at 60% speed since Frontier because it's the only way I can make sense out of the action. They seriously need to slow it down a bit. Yes, I know it's supposed to be flashy and cool, but if you can't tell what's happening on screen then what's the point. Though another benefit of 60% speed is it makes everybody sound like yakuza. Anyway, I enjoyed this episode a lot and even though I was a little iffy at the start, I'm pretty much fully invested now. So glad we're getting more action than we did in Frontier. Also... I just checked both Frontier movies, and Brera's -27 appears to have Ex-Gear. I can provide screenshots if you want 'em.
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