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Everything posted by Product9

  1. So, are we done with the spoiler tags yet? I guess I'll use 'em until I know for sure. I was thinking about this compilation, and while it isn't a radical change in story like DYRL?, it is still quite different from the TV version. It occurs to me that this is normal for Macross, but of course you guys already know this (and have mentioned something to the same effect). It's almost like how American comic book stories are retold... the same basic characters are there, but their relationships and situations change from iteration to iteration. The only difference is that when dealing with Macross, it is much more short lived. Anyway, I got to thinking. If they are gonna pull out all the stops and retell the story different (which I'm okay with, by the way. I mean c'mon, we already saw the series. Why not have something new? No one cares about Macross canon [not to be confused with the Macross Cannon]). So, in the next film: What do you guys think?
  2. Guess I'll put my 2 cents. Personally, I really liked this movie. I was pleasantly surprised that it contained more than 15 seconds of new footage, unlike other Bandai sponsored compilation movies. Sure, as far as movies go, it's sub par. But Frontier is sub par as far as quality anime goes, so it's a moot point anyway. But, I watch Macross for pretty much one reason - the mecha. And as far as the battle scenes went, I was very happy. I'm gonna enjoy watching the scenes over and over, in slow motion, frame by frame, because that's just how I enjoy this stuff. Besides, is there any other way to really enjoy it when the story is lame and the characters flat? For the record, I think the characters were improved a little over the series. However, at the same time, a lot of their personality traits (mainly flaws) were taken away. I suppose it's because they only had 2 hours to grow in this version, as opposed to 25 episodes (still too short IMO). Still though, the character development had a better flow to it because of this. It felt less made up as the story went along (or less as an afterthought to sweet mecha action). So, to sum it all up, I'll just say that my favorite scene was...
  3. Hey fellas. I don't post much on this forum, but I needed a break from homework and I was for some reason thinking of Frontier era cyborgs. I was thinking about how awesome it would be to be a cyborg (I was pretty interested in the features shown in the movie, as well as the stuff in the series, such as linking with the VF-27 from afar). It crossed my mind that a drawback might be susceptibility to EM fields and pulses, but I imagine by then solid-state technology will have proliferated and progressed so it wouldn't be an issue for Frontier era technology. However, there was the D-Pulse thingy from ep 12-13. At the beginning of 13 you notice Brera observing Alto and Ranka crashing from the jungle (presumable because his VF-27 was also affected by the burst). However, I was thinking... wouldn't the D-Pulse affect Brera's systems, too? I mean, the technology in him and the Valkyries is probably pretty similar, right? Frontier seems to have a theme of integration of technology into humanity. At the same time, Alto's Ex-Gear seemed to work okay, too. That could also be due to the sporadic nature of the burst, but, like so many things in Macross, this is never really clarified. I was just wondering what you guys think. Discuss!
  4. That Valk reminds me of when they rigged up Basara's -19 for that Minmay movie back in Macross 7.
  5. ARX-7!! Imma cry tears of hearts! Damn... now I have to buy a PS3....... So, you guys think they chose Zero and F stuff to include from Macross cause those designs have the most consistent transformations (due to the shows being in CG)? Or was this covered already? Also, is this being done by From Software again or what?
  6. Megumi Nakajima and Yoko Kanno were there too. It was pretty awesome. My friend rode in an elevator alone with Yoko Kanno o_O
  7. Wait... so was battle Galaxy doing the same movements as huge-Ranka was during ep 24? That would be...interesting to see... And this movie you speak of. I hope it isn't just a compilation movie (ala Gundam) and an actual sequal. I think they left enough open for more story, don't you? Damn... now all I have to look forward to next week is withdrawls... Twas such a great show!
  8. You know, that F-15E currently has more FAST packs than that VF-25...
  9. I THOUGHT I saw something during that scene, but I never took the time to go through frame by frame and check. Good catch.
  10. If the IFF in Frontier works anything like for reals IFF, then it's a combination of the hardware and identification codes, or encryption keys. For one, they are all using the same IFF hardware, or at least comparable hardware. SMS and NUNS are supposed to be on the same side, so there should be no problem in recieving and interpreting IFF interrogation signals. From there, as long as the pilot entered correct and up-to-date codes, the IFF would automatically respond, verifying it as a friendly aircraft. I guess by 2059 IFF has advanced enough to be able to identify individual pilots, probably based on their own personal identification codes that they have to enter into the hardware everytime they step into an aircraft. These codes would change every so often to maintain security, and prevent someone from fradulently using an aircraft under the guise of an SMS/NUNS pilot. Also, IFF, or Identification Friend or Foe, is a misnomer, as it can only determine if the aircraft is friendly or unknown. There is no way to positively ID a bogey as an enemy, which is why visual identification is so important. It could be a friendly aircraft with a damaged IFF, or wrong codes due to pilot error or some other logistical reason. So, it's as simple as Alto and Luca input their personal IDs into the VF-171EXs IFF system. EDIT: Come to think of it, the Ex-gears probably have personal transponders for rescue (and other) purposes. Still, I'm sure the IFF isn't dependant on it, as Ex-gear isn't required for the operation of all aircraft.
  11. Don't think this one has been posted... Check out the music channel logo... From the first ep, about 15:22 and from ep 15 at about 9:17 (the recap) I guess Macross Front Tire sounds a little less adventerous Also, anyone else think that the girl standing affront Ranka sorta looks like the one who won the Miss Macross Frontier pageant?
  12. You know, Accuracy International makes a lot more than just those two rifles And in CS the rifle is neither the Super Magnum nor the Police. It's an amalgam of the two. Just sayin...
  13. You know, it took me this long to realize that Brera is Obviously it's trying to deal a final blow to I can just picture Leon saying
  14. I dunno, it wasn't all that similar a feel to what happened in SEED to me. I don't think it was a reference/nod or anything of the sort, even if Cathy was cosplaying as Miriallia Haw...
  15. Heh, same here. Fantastic episode, but is it just me or was Cathy
  16. Dunno if this was pointed out yet, but... APPAREI GENKI CIRCUS?!?! http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff174/product9/genki.jpg
  17. What in the heck is a ? http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff174/p...ct9/machida.jpg
  18. So, anyone know where in the heck the came from?
  19. Don't feel like reading 10 pages right now so sorry if someone already pointed this out, but... Anyone else think of Basara's -19 when Alto's -25 fell outta the sky? What caused that again in that M7 ep?
  20. *shudders* don't say such a thing! I don't even wanna think about it... Looking forward to next week!
  21. Product9 approves of this reference. About the Kawamori/Su-27 thing... I'm pretty sure he draws a lot from Russian (Sukhoi in particular) aircraft for his designs. Also, didn't he imply at some point (jokingly) that the S-37/Su-47 Berkut was based upon the look of the Y/VF-19? Well, I liked this episode. I'm not one to complain about animation quality, especially since I still think the original SDFM was the best Macross by far. Who cares about the quality of the animation/artwork? That's superficial. It's the characters, plot and excecution that matters. Aren't we just getting to spoiled by modern animation techniques? Just look at DYRL? and how fantastic that was. I think it should be renamed SDF Macross: Do You Remember Pencils? Eagerly awaiting next week's ep because it seems like it's going to be more heavy than the previous ones. Now, I'm all for light hearted stuff, too, but the heavy stuff really defines the characters.
  22. I'm confident that it would sell... I wouldn't wanna pay the shipping to get one in the US though On another topic: why does everyone seem to think the VF-27 is superior to the VF-25? We haven't seen anything to really indicate that it's superior, just different.
  23. Indeed. I hope the HQ raw delay doesn't slow them down, although if they want to use it as an excuse they're more than welcome to Seriously, I try not to be impatient when it comes to fansubbers. They work for free to bring us something that we otherwise probably wouldn't get, so if they need to take their time it's okay with me. That said, I hope they get it out today... I gotta say that this ep is the first one that really felt 'Macrossy' to me. Anyone else feel that way?
  24. So far they've been pretty good about their English, but let's not forget the first episode, on the concert brodcast where it said "Frontire Music Channel." I loled at that.
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