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Everything posted by Montarvillois

  1. Driving my forklift to work will never be the same... ROFLMAO !!!!
  2. www.lokitorrent.com is a very decent alternative.
  3. This looks like the perfect toy. It looks like it surpases the 1/48 in terms of mechanical complexity yet it still looks pretty sturdy. Oh I just can't wait !!! By the way, how did this guy manage to get his hand on this retail version ? does not look like an official site of Yamato or else, just a plain personal home page at best ?!?
  4. The US is one big stupid lawsuit machine. Period.
  5. OMFG !!! Does anyone understand what is being said on the site you found ? I think I just wet my pants, this thing is THE ultimate valk Wonderfest picts of a new YF-19..... Forget the wimpy YF-19, I mean the monster...
  6. OMFG !!! Does anyone understand what is being said on the site you found ? I think I just wet my pants, this thing is THE ultimate valk
  7. AWW Gawd thank the lord. That means, if you read between the lines, that if they ship for Kevin's place on the 28 that we'll actualy see some HK sellers selleing some of these on ebay around the 23rd like usual. Cool !!!
  8. We can only dream... OMG !!! This is amazing !!!
  9. What the hell is that boy doing to that poor Daggit ??? I'm reporting this incident to the animal protection agency now!!!
  10. These would kick ass if sold on regular shelves kick ass bots
  11. Eeeeew, That thing is nasty. Difinitly not the piece of garment made to attract hot chicks.
  12. Dang ! Didn't we all vow to never, ever ask that question again ?
  13. That is. . . well uhhh. . . gay, very gay.. .
  14. I don't understand what you're saying.. i mean, I know that you can remove the bottle on a syphon brush, but you'd still have to clean the nozzle. I apologize, I know it sounds strange. with my siphon airbrush, I remove the bucket and plug in a bottle of rubbing alcool instead. I block the nozzle of the airbrush and press the trigger so there is a reflux inside the airbrush until paint was still left in the aibrush is removed. Next I spray the bucket with rubbing alcool comming from my alcool bottle until there is no paint in the bucket and conduit. Last I do is shoot a clean cloth until the alcool comming out of the nozzle is clear and then I wash my airbrush metal assembly with the alcool I shot on the cloth. Hope this helps
  15. Lol now we got the basics for battroid mode... what next? Yeah well let's say the battroid's pilot's butt itches and he scratches it, then the battroid would look pretty weird wouldn't it ?
  16. Here's a link to the whole site. I'm spending the evening there saliving over the clips. I just wish I was born i friggin Japan !!! mini fighting robot site
  17. Whoa !!!! check it out Mimic system for a scale down mazinger !!!
  18. If this has been shown earlier please delete but I doubt it. These movies show tiny humanoid robots fighting at some japanese contest. These little things are just amazing! I want one now !!! link one MPG and the other movie link two MPG Kick ass !!!
  19. Funny, I'm currently ready Dan Brown's digital fortess and Da Vinci code and I think this "Beta Thread" thing is a code. If you rearange the letters a bit I think Sohn is telling us: "bertha retard" Could it be a message about is wife or is he calling us Bertha retards or worse???.... (ok, maybe I gotta stop reading these books... )
  20. HEY ! I have on of these 1/24 takara versions and it's anything but gay ! One of the guys here said once it looked like a sissyfied Zaku... I beg to differ still.
  21. How about a very high visibility yellow like an ambulance . Modify it so it has an additional winch, rescue transport capsule on the back etc... Or maybe red like a firetruck
  22. , check my signature.... OH ! Are you Fishtenfoo ? if so, I am not worthy... I am not worthy... Great job !
  23. How about something like this ? As seen here: link
  24. Saaaweeet ! I kinda wish he did the pilot too to see how he would have redone the look of the armor too. that is very nice
  25. Soon like when ?, do you have a date ?
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