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Everything posted by Montarvillois

  1. Oooops sorry, I tought these were the titanium lazer cut blade cutters with electronicaly controlled pressure used in the space shuttle an misread the price tag and saw 50,000$ instead of 5.00$... I still don't think having rounded scissors will help cut round logos Let us know how it works.
  2. Uhhhh, why look for costly high tech stuff when you can actualy put a quarter (canadian or US) over the fastpack skull logo and make a clean cut with an exacto blade, the diameter is exactly the same. This solves at least one of your problem I hope.
  3. Precisely, The spacing between the shelves was designed in the pre fastpack era... Guess I should do something about this...
  5. Decals, HB pencil in panel lines and then clear matt coat. Knees have been tweaked to make the bend the other way (like bandai should have done them in the first time)
  6. yes isn't it inspiring.... lol
  7. Now the 1/48 team Mr. Focker's ride
  8. Now close-up 1 (this one's my favorite) 1/55 custom VF-17
  9. Here's my collection (excluding non macross stuff..)
  10. I received my stickers this tuesday and I must say I a most impressed. I am actually considering to remove all the originl yamato stickers from my 3 1/48 to place the takatoys stickers instead. They are much much sharper and thinner than the original ones, they don't tend to peel off like the originals, the colors are much nicer and warmer, especialy the yellows. My original idea was to get these in case the Yammie stickers would turn bad but when I compare what I did on my low viz, the other ones look just BLahhhh ! Get them guys trust me.
  11. Salut Mathieu, Tu peux maintenant compter un deuxième hardcore fan de Macross dans la région de Montréal. Je suis de St-Bruno sur la rive-sud !!! Coool !
  12. WOW !!! Now I really feel informed ! short, to the point content about almost unknow games... Please don't quit your day job man
  13. This thing is soooo ugly it should commit suicide.
  14. Hi guys, I just downloaded VOXP from imacross 4 server. It isntalled correctly despite my incapacity to read japanese but now that it is installed, how the hell do I get this game to start ? I tryied the MCR.EXE exec but it gives me a dialog box with japanese again. Help... I just want to play this game so bad
  15. Montarvillois

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Off topic but the VF-1J's fastpack is sooooo gonna end up on my low viz. The colors will look great with it !
  16. Hey what's that I see on the low viz sticker sheet... Pilot Kevin Lam, Graham Parkes and others... NO FAIR I want my name too !!!!
  17. SUPERB !!!!
  18. No, Actualy the ASS-1 transforms too, it just turns into a huge alien butt.
  19. NO! Man I think I need to quit messing with it before I ruin it. Nobody will ever be totally happy with it.... It was a joke by the way, no harm intended..
  20. Are these stress marks I see all over ?
  21. Cool, A disco valk !
  22. Nice and clear... Yes, Yamato paste 1/48
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