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Everything posted by Montarvillois

  1. It had to happen, Yesterday, my low viz took a 6' plunge down the shelve in gerwalk mode and fell flat on its back. The back pack hinge thingie broke and I am left with a severely "battle damaged" Low viz. Do you guys know where I can find spare parts. I think there was a thread once about ordering parts from somewhere but I can't find it. Oh, and yes, I sent an email to HLJ last night...
  2. When I was 21, I inherited a very large amount from my aunt and uncle ($975 million) and I've been on a toy shopping/collecting spree since then. The only thing stopping me from having my toys right now is the release dates. I usualy buy 5 to keep MIB, one opened for displaying and one for rough play like throwing around, crashing etc... I just do it because I have virtually unlimited funds just waiting to be spent. (wakes up from a very GOOOD dream...)
  3. MMMMMMmmmm... The 1J. Just can't wait
  4. Welll, That's one I will have to let pass bye. Looks good though
  5. Hey Mechamaniac, Where are these hands from, the 1/35 patlabor ? I dunno but they look ok to me.
  6. The archive I get is corrupted
  7. GREAT !!!! THANKS!
  8. Montarvillois

    1/48 customs

    Forget his low viz, Look at this WHOAAAA !!!!
  9. Great spelling skills man !!! There is finally two... Or maybe it will fall back to one if the troll leaves
  10. At least this moron spelled my name right Shin LOL !!!! he's about the only one who aually did for as long has I've been a member (2.5 years) so I'd hate to see him go cause deep inside, he's a sweet dude who knows how to spell my name and he too deserves to be loved and cared for in his own special way. Let's open our arms and welcome this lost soul. NOOOOOOOOOT !!!!! BAN THAT crap STIRRING SUCKER !!!
  11. Pics please... thanks
  12. Hadn't seen it. Just goes to prove it's a kick ass idea
  13. Montarvillois


    Is this guy baking up in it's parking spot or is it leaving the deck ?
  14. OOOPs ! Sorry about the size of the pic, I tought I had resized it correctly. My bad resized down. DA
  15. Hey guys, Look at this, toynami did something right for once, it actuly corrected one of Yamato's beàiggest wrongs. Who would have tought ? These hands come from the Scott Bernard Alpha posable, I think they look a bit like the TV type hands that will be availbale with the upcomming VF-1J, don't you think ? COOL !
  16. I don't think it says it is a GBP armor for the 1/48 but rather for the 1/60 my friend... Yes i know Montarvillios, excitement got the better of me when i saw the VF-1J clad in GPB armor, but turned to disappointment when saw the small print beside it stating 1/60. Cheers I want it to happen sooo much too. Don't worry bud, my vision got blurry too when I saw the pic.
  17. I don't think it says it is a GBP armor for the 1/48 but rather for the 1/60 my friend...
  18. We see here again that Yamato did not improve the quality of their stickers... Takatoy, please be ready for the release, I'm buying for sure... I like the new cockpit, is there any mention about the material used for the pilot, I knda like the rubber they used for the low viz pilot.
  19. This is blasphemy, This thing looks nothing like the A-10 !!! this thing is absolutely gay Here is what the designer deserves to do for the rest of his working life...
  20. Uhhh, How bout this ? or this or this last one Now that would leave a lasting impression on your adversary, wouldn't it ?
  21. I just can't get tired of the A-10. Looks so mean WHOA !!!! It's front mounted Tank Killer gun just commands respect.
  22. TSK TSK TSK, Guys, no bad toughts, she is just trying to shake off a bug off her skirt... no disturbance was intended I'm sure. (runs back to lala land to play with toys...)
  23. Dunno who she is but I can tell you everybody likes her very much...
  24. You like my avatar don't you
  25. I am getting rid of my creation, These pics may inspire a few of you to build this to display your 1/48 Yamatos. Mods, please delete this post if it is inapropriate. Thanks Here is the LINK
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