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Everything posted by Montarvillois

  1. Are you using the part provided with your strike pack that was made to strengthen the hold of the assembly. There's been many threads about this already.
  2. Very cool man. Good job
  3. Its has a very hypnotic affect. In a warm fuzzy way..... Welcome to MW Magnus That avatar is the subject of many comment I tell ya... I think I'll just change it for a dancing Rosie O'Donnell... NOT !!!!
  4. Now ask your valk if it was as good fer her as it was for you... by the way, sanding a "nub" is no foreplay for a valk...
  5. Yeah but can your trains fly or transform to gerwalk ?
  6. I think you are right but in the mean time, I'd still try to fix it with bondo or some kind of sculpting putty to patch it.
  7. Damn, This feels like a bad omen fell on all 1/48's accross the planet this month. I feel your pain man and sympathise. I you want, I have the wings and the missiles of a low viz posted on Ebay. If you have an airbrush, you could probably repaint them or maybe you could use Tamiya white semi-gloss primer, this should hold pretty good to the plastic and look pretty similar to the original plastic color. Good luck And kids, don't play with matches and valks....
  8. I use rubbing alcohol and it works damn good
  9. A 1/48 VF-4.... Hmmmmmmmm ! that'd be good.
  10. This thing is nuts !!!! Great work man !
  11. A RECAST PART !!!! THATS IT !!! If any of you expert recasters would recast this part, you'd make a bundle, I'd buy a couple myself just in case. Please tell me someone is already working on that idea. please please please please...
  12. Geez ! These hinges are like time bombs, it's the 3rd thread I read in less than a week (mine included... ) . This is starting to look like the VF-11b's weak hips...
  13. I had the exact same problem, The only solution for me was to order a new one. DAMN !!!!
  14. I actualy like those gaps, they are pretty handy. I can fit a few dollar bills in them just like these strip dancer's thongs when they dance... (not that I've ever been in one of those places... ahem !)
  15. Cool stuff, I love these retro adds. Thanks Shawn
  16. Montarvillois

    New here!

    Welcome !!!
  17. Hope not because this thing would cost an arm and a leg to ship...
  19. I see.... good luck then
  20. I dont know if a clearcoat is really needed, the stickers look like they will hold pretty good if applied correctly and away from edges. I personaly think that adding a clear coat may cause more damage than good since a lot of parts have friction and the clearcoat could peel and look funny after a while.
  21. Ablo altavista or babelfish buddy ?
  22. DAMN !!! Just tought of something I could do with the crippled low viz... Since the Elintseeker's backpack is always up, I could probably buy an Elintseeker recast kit and convert the damn thing into a perfect looking Elintseeker. What do you guys think ?
  23. Exactly what I'm gonna do. Just bought the valk, when I get it, I'll get the backpack hinge and sell the rest. I just wonder how much I'm gonna get for the pilot alone ?... hehe, maybe it's not such a bad ordeal after all... Guys, can you suggest the best way to sell my new canibalized VF-1a when I get it. Here's what I think I'll do, I'll post an auction on ebay for the following items: -head -legs and swingbar without the intake covers -intake covers -heatshield -pilot -chest -back, arms and wings without the backpack hinge -backpack without the hinge -cockpit and front assembly -nosecone -gunpod -strap and "o" rings -Large missile pods -small missile pods -Unused sticker sheet -Box & instructions I think this should work
  24. Screw Yamato, I'm buying a new one and it's gonna be spare parts galore on Ebay for what I havent used to repair mine... I am soooooo pissed.
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