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Everything posted by Montarvillois

  1. Me too: Athlon64 3200+ (Winchester @ 2.25GHz) 1GB Corsair PC4000 @ 450MHz 2x Geforce6600GT PCIexpress mounted in SLI 2x Maxtor 200GB SATA HD's 2x Maxtor 80GB USB drives Sony DVDRW LITEON DVD-CDRW Combo 580w PSU NEC 22" Professional Diamondtron Crystalfontz 20X4 backlight LCD 4 knobs fanbus controler Microsoft DSS80 USB speaker system (ROCKS !!!) Nostromo speedpad Logitech Formula GT steering wheel All running on Windows X64 and free!!! highspeed 6.5Mbps cable modem (cause I work for the biggest ISP in Quebec...yipeee!) Battlefield 2, bring it on!!!
  2. Geeez, Hope they never make a rectal thermometer version... LOL !
  3. Geez ! I tought I was the only one that liked battletech's mech designs here. I have a madcat myself but it's a diecast version by joyride that i painted in custom camo colors. Here's a picture
  4. I was able to remove the peg plates from the belly assembly this morning and I am currently trying different configurations (reverse, upside down etc...). Once I find the best position for the pegs, I'll post the results. So far, what I am noticing is that with the pegs assembled backwards, the legs/wings are much closer to the fuselage. Anywho, I,ll post results soon.
  5. Nope, I think we all agree that the 1/48's are in scale with the Hasegawa ground crew set. I had both and the pilots are comparable in size with the crew members.
  6. The only drive crisis I ever got is a sex drive crisis, nothin happened to my hard drive yet... thank god man, thank god...
  7. Yeah, but something tells me he doesn't have that to prove... Agreed, Offer any chick to hop into your Masserati to come and see your cabage patch kid collection up in beverly hills and you'll see how easy it is...
  8. Damn, Zero you beat me by half a second !
  9. DAMN RIGHT YOU SHOULD! j/k yo. I'm glad you guys are really enjoy what I have to show. I'll you a buffalo an a nickel who tells me where I got this from. The final countdown. Movie made in the 80's... I always dreamed to fly a F-14 to kick some old days airplane, must be cool.
  10. Same here ! Just can't wait. Me and my congregation are all psyched up already!!!
  11. CUSTOMS = CANCER Edit' DANG !!!, I put the wrong attachement and now I can't remove it. Well, I guess you guys will have to live with it...
  12. DOH !!! It's a joke. I'm none of these con artists, I'm just my own good old Erick From Montreal. Cheers !
  13. OK, I first started with the name Rosario Love, then I changed to Mylene, then XerogeeII and I remember using Marc R. Luce once as a member name but now I'm pretty much satisfied with Montarvilois.
  14. Why does this thread feel like we are beating on a dead horse ???
  15. Very neat !!! How well does the paint react to multiple transformations ? Just curious
  16. OK, The era of th egiant walking killing machines has begun: Clip Download link Here's something to dream about tonight For the full page, follow that link http://www.sakakibara-kikai.co.jp/products/other/LW.htm Enjoy
  17. Please stop shouting. thanks
  18. Whoa !!!! This is great news !!! hope they are not teasing us just to let us down later. This thing is georgeous. When is it due out again ???
  19. Whoa ! You must be a comedian or something.
  20. before anyone else do it, and to quote a famous MW member. WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE !!!!!
  21. It's 15 inches long. There's a Takara version in 1/144 scale comming out in april that's going to be 22 inches long with full action (electricaly retractable elevator legs) and remote controlled vehicules. While this new one will rock, it will lack the die cast content of the Aoshima verion.
  22. This one was 140$ from HLJ (my first and last purchase from them...) I also found it a leo toys in taiwan for 125$ about aweek after I bought it from HLJ.
  23. LOL, That my is friend is one of the things my 3 1/2 year old daughter will be collecting in 30 years from now, long after this one will have found it's way to the dumpster.
  24. I just received an icon of my younger days, the Aoshima TB2. This is not as much a review as a simple need to express my total awe and excitement in finaly being able to fly this thing around the room. I got the Konami container vehicules from a local shop as I just wasn't content with having only the mole that is supplied with the TB2. This thing is really heavy and made mostly (80%) in diecast, the rest is made of nicely paint great quality ABS. I am waiting to get the charawheels container vehicule sets from bandai and the TB1 from Aoshima too as I just can't get enough after what I just got here. One of the things that really touches me from getting this toy and having my son watch the show with me is how much CG animation has now undervalued the artistic qualities of the old days Sci-Fi animators and modelists such as Gerry Anderson, the creator of the show in the 60's. The only thing now that my son sees when he watches the show is that the puppets don't look natural, the ships look weird etc... In the early 70s when I was old enough to watch and understand the show, the Thunderbirds was pure magic. Sure the caracters looked weird but the vehicules were way ahead of their time and looked so cool and real. My parents had just got a spanking new color tv and I finaly saw the real color of the TB2. These moments were magic. I finaly have, after 32 years of fandom, a little part of it in my display room. Just tought I'd share a little nostalgia. BTW, I recommend this toy to any fan of the Thunderbirds show, it is magnificient. cheers Erick
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