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Everything posted by Montarvillois

  1. My favorite kill is the giant tuna that get it's head chopped off by the airlock, now that is one tasty kill.... Tuna, hmmmmmm....
  2. Damn you guys got to let me work otherwise I won't be the boss anymore...
  3. Hey no need to drill, just screw and forget, the pine they used for the cabinet is soft as butter. The only little hole you may need to drill is in the back for the wires but there's a small perk in doing that cause the pine releases a nice smell... I LOVE pine.
  4. Thanks ! I call it my "Yeeech there's a mouse on my shelf" pose.
  5. Me too, And it will happen over an unflushed open toilet bowl for certain. On second tought, don't open it.
  6. For heaven's sake, Open the thing, just don't let it near your dog, wife, kids, parrots, cleaning lady, drunk friends, sunlight, dust, sticky fingers, heatsource, solvent, crap, acid, cat, snow etc... And your investment should be just fine.
  7. Hi, No, the light did not come with the cabinet (good price by the way...hehehe!) I had to buy 2 lights called "NON". Also the valks are not too cramped I used the top hole assembly to put the shelve on, I plan to lower them a bit to the lower hole which should give me about 3" more clearance. Don't know if you have the exact same one if your valks don't fit in fighter mode cause mine have room to spare. The cabinet model name is INGO just in case. I bought them for 139$ CDN each.
  8. It all depends on what your business is into. My company imports stuff from all over the world so we have brokerage deals that cover all imports for a flat yearly fee. Therefore my stuff comes in and is included in the deal we have with the broker therefore, no customs... hehe !
  9. I can tell you one thing, I'd never put a DYRL fastpack on my VF-1J. The color of the VF-1J's fastpack is extremely nice with the creamy white of the valk. Also, there are slight differences in the arm packs as they have a steeper slant in the missile launch section and the are a bit longer in the back. My advise, buy the valk/fastpack combo.
  10. I understand you SO WELL!!! Same thing happens to me with my employees! I cant receive my toys at my house because of the wife... so I get them at my office. It is a real torture to stop yourself from opening the box and play with it. Is good to know I am not the only one! Hehe ! Glad to see I'm not alone... I actualy receive them at the office to avoid customs (my lil trick...) and because there is always someone home to receive the goods.
  11. I got it from a hasegawa weapons set. The pylon mod was quite easy to make. As you may know a maverick cluster is attached to a central assembly that I modded lightly with white styrene, then I drilled holes where the original yamato pylons are and I can mount and dismount them as I please.
  12. Last one I promise...
  13. The left side is a bit different. I added a kill count and another pinup to distract the zentraedis hehe!
  14. Here's a close up
  15. Here are the pics of the finished custom. The nice thing about the whole thing is that I only used spare parts I had left from my parts sale so it can always return to it's original color scheme. Here is the shark nose I added today. Notice the Maverick ordnance I put on the wings : )
  16. S'cuse me ?
  17. Hi guys, I'm not much of a reviewer but here it is. Just got my package in the mail at the office this morning, as always, my employees are laughing in corners gossiping about the boss getting a new toy... First off, the box is not much larger than the regular 1/48s, just a bit thicker so shipping was OK from Hong Kong to Canada (relatively...). First thing that struck me is the fastpack color which is blue gray and the white plastic is richer and warmer than the DYRL valks. Four big extra hand were easily available in the first layer of packaging so I could covertly play with them without anybody seeing me (at least I think...) IMO, this is the nicest valk I've had so far. The heardsculpt is superb and the "cyclops" effect seen on other pictures I saw was not as apparent under normal light. Only two complaints I have (and they are minor) is the nosecone which is looser than the others I have and the TV hands that fall off easily. The Stickers are the same thick plastic stickers as before. Like the sheets offered with the 1/60 line, the names of Max, Millia and Kakizaki appear, as a matter of fact, it looks exactly like a blown up 1/60 sheet !. These stickers will never touch the skin of my VF-1J as long as Takatoys makes his custom stickers. All in all, I highly recommend this one. Some claim their holy grail is the Hikaru VF-1S, for me Hikaru's VF-1J is the holy grail as it is the first valk I ever saw on tv and fell in love with. Anyways, like I said, I'm not much of a reviewer but I tought I'd share my excitement with you guys.
  18. I'm not certain if I understand well, When Nanashi writes about macross stuff, equipment and all, does that make it official or is it just extrapolation. What are his sources ? Thanks
  19. No wash, The low viz is actualy like that, the panel lines are darker. The only thing I did though was to remove the original weathering with lighter fluid cause I tought it looked awfull
  20. Mon expérience avec les États-Unis est moin bonne qu'avec Hong Kong. Il est arrivé plusieurs fois que je n'ai pas reçu le paquet, qu'il était endommagé. De plus, les prix sont enflés quand on commande des États Unis alors qu'on peut avoir d'excellents deals avec Hong Kong. Je n'ai jamais reçu un paquet frippé ou mal emballé d'Hongo Kong, ces gens la sont des experts. Erick
  21. Ahem... Was it not the French that helped the Americans earn their independance in 1776 ? Too bad, this would have made a kick ass surrender to the British joke book ! History is full of strange little twist isn't it ?
  22. Au Québec c'est plus avantageux de commander d'Hong Kong car si le jouet viens des U.S.A. les douanes s'en donnent a coeur joie tandis que venant d'Asie il n'y a pas de frais. Héhé. Moi je suis de Montréal au Québec
  23. Thisty Hippo, Wonderswan etc... Boy these names are hilarious... Are these Pokemons or something ?
  24. Go to Ebay, I've seen some with BIN at 49.95$
  25. I don't know if this would work on toys but I am combatting a fungus under my left toe nail (yeeech !) and tea oil seems to work pretty well. Dunno if it would work on plastic ?
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