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Everything posted by Montarvillois

  1. Very nice, How did you realize the peeled paint effect BTW ?
  2. I think it's this guy. Bwwaaaa... I wouldn't want to smell this guy's breath.
  3. Yup pretty cool indeed. SF3D depicts an alternate historical twist where the nazis would have won WW2 and developped their machines of war "mashinen Krieger" to another level. There are walking mechas that look a bit like Star Wars' AT-ST, Powered suits, hovertanks etc... Well worth investigating if you don't know much about it yet.
  4. I for one don't care much about the story line. Sure the "magic" part is strange and has no direct link to the original series IMO but what the hell, just the fact that I am actualy watching transforming valks in 3d animation makes me happy. I just think people are way yoo hard on M0.
  5. Now the question is... Will you use it as a steak knife ? Congrats man, I'm am jealous.
  6. Yup! I second Cheng's recommendation to get a syphon feed. You can actualy remove and clean the syphon bucket with your airbrush shooting rubbing alcool. You can't do this with a gravity feed airbush as it is permanently attached on the top of the handle.
  7. Wow ! Just started browsing through this post as I am a big gundam seed fan just to notice that Graham is actualy buying gundam toys too... Graham, I tought you hated gundam, did the "borg" assimilate you too ?
  8. My son (11 year old) says he understands, I don't know what kills me most; knowing he got it and I don't or not getting it period Thanks for your help guys !
  9. AARRrgggh !!!! Where was I in school ???? this thing is killing me.
  10. OK, I know there is no good section to port this but I need help in solving this little puzzle for one of my son's homeworks A soccer team is composed of 40% boys and 60% girls, after their last recruitment campaign, the boys recruited 3 more and with these three additions, the number of boys and girls is equal. What would be the answer and what method would I use to solve it ? Apologies to the mods, I really need help from one of MW geniuses. Thanks
  11. Now let the release date speculation games begin ! That's the type of news this board needed to get kick started. I am honestly "mucho mucho" excited.
  12. OMG !!! I had never spotted this thread before. Here I am in my office laughing so hard I have tears. People are passing by my door thinking I'm nuts. Great stuff guys.
  13. Oh ! that thing is just wicked. Wow !
  14. It rocks but I am stuck here and I am just about to shoot someone (real life...) cause I just can't get passed this puzzle. Any help is welcome
  15. Patlabor Ingram2 VF-17S Gundam RGM-79GM YF-21 Those are my favorites
  16. Still, even if you prime, the "wax" used to assemble the 3D is very fragile so you can only use it to recast with stron resin not as a final playable toy or model.
  17. These printers are getting cheaper every year (relatively) we use one where I work to produce early molds for rings and it is AMAZING to see it construct a 3D object piece by piece. Though I have always been tempted to ask our production guys do something for me, the cost of the basic material would prohibit them from doing an "on the side" non business related item. Too bad
  18. 3 words... I HATE YOU ! I've always wanted to go shop in Hong Kong... Congrats with the purchases, I own the strike chogokin too and it is one of my favorites.
  19. Yamato's website stil says november 4 2004.
  20. Yamato has serious "poo, I missed my deadline" issues. If Yamato was run by the Yakuza were if you fail your boss, you have to cut a finger, product managers would now certainly be experts at manipulating stuff with their toes...
  21. I've read that the Koenig monster is supposed to be released on november 4th. Is this date still good. Usualy you can locate yamato releases from HK sellers on ebay days before the product is officialy launched but I can't see any occurences of the product so far. Does someone have the answer ?
  22. Gonade Box Protector... Gundam Body Parts... Gumby Beats Pooky... Who knows really ?
  23. Thanks Neova, How well articulated are they ?
  24. I can't home in on a name, series or description but I am getting some one way or another. Can someone identify these for me ?
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