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Everything posted by Damaramu

  1. 'Bout damn time!! Now give us a drop ship!!!! (pretty please?!)
  2. Ugh. Makes me wish there was an Ace Combat anime series......
  3. Pfffft. I'll pick one up when it drops in price....but not now.
  4. Stardestroyer.net or other offline activities.
  5. Here's my list: Macross Patlabor Ranma 1/2 Excel Saga Gunbuster Dragon Half Ghost In The Shell Gundam Project Ako Yukikaze (haven't seen it yet, but I have a good feeling about this one)
  6. WHAT?! Oh man this sucks! She'll be missed here.....
  7. 49.5069% - Super Geek LOL, sounds about right.
  8. I highly recommend buying the HK dvd. Do not give your money to Miramaxe. Their treatment of HK films is a disgrace.
  9. Heh. Having the Imperial March play whenever Vader is seen or talked about is overkill, IMO. Just a dumb idea.
  10. Hahaha I remember that one. Never saw it... I think it's popularity lasted all of what, 3 seconds? I think mine would be anything on MST3K. Particularly that one with Thick McRunfast that had spliced in Battlestar Galactica shots and the Floorwaxer Death Race... That one really was painful. Vostok 7 Ah yes, Space Mutiny with Big McLargehuge! In fact, MST3K Volume 4 was released today!
  11. Did it look anything like THIS?
  12. Oh yes, I am stoked for this game......can't wait!
  13. Still better than a colony dropping on ya, I suppose.....
  14. OH yeah.....the NGP was a little monster. Very cool. Still regret not getting one back in the day. On the flipside, about a month ago, the EB near me apparently had a nice little stash of them and games and were selling NGP's and 5 games for about $70 or so. I tell ya.....if didn't have the GBA, I might have bought one. So tempting.....I wonder if they still have any.....
  15. For those of us who: a) Don't have a NEO-GEO b) Don't use emulators/roms c) Have PS2's King of Fighters: 2000 & 2001 will be shipping out 11.18.03! Personally I cannot wait! I heard that the backgrounds will be given the old 3D treatment like the 2 KOF's that were released on the Dreamcast a few years back. Check it out HERE!
  16. That was a pretty interesting read.
  17. 27, suckaaaah!
  18. I gotta go with the Nintendo's Virtual Boy. What a crapfest that was. Second, Atari's Jaguar. Man......I don't really need to say more on that one. <_<
  19. Here's a headsup guys, in case you didn't know:
  20. Well, I'm pretty much psyched for the game. Hopefully AM2 will churn out something good.....hmmmm.....
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