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Everything posted by Damaramu

  1. RIP Mr. Reeves.
  2. Damaramu

    Scale Pref.

    Yeah, mucho love for the 1/60's here too. I don't have any 1/48's, but I have a feeling they won't display well with my computer desk and bookcase set up. Just too big. But those 1/60's....perfect fit, in any mode! Plus, 1/48's are just too pricy for me. Yeah, I'm a cheap bastard. I'd rather use that $150+ and buy 2 or 3 new 1/60's.....or groceries.
  3. Those eye decals look great, but they make Minmay look a little.....sleepy.
  4. Awesome! Gotta jump on the bandwagon and say that SV-51 kicks mucho butt!!
  5. Just got back from seeing Sky Captain. I gotta say: I LOVED IT. I'm a big fan of the old Fleischer brothers animation (Superman anyone?) and this film did a really swell job in recreating the look and feel. Sure the movie was light on plot......and yeah, there were some implausible moments, but none of that really bothered me. I had tons of fun watching this movie and will most likely see it again. And I'll recommend it to my friends! score: 8.5/10
  6. 12/18 Same as JsARCLIGHT, I missed some of them because it was the Atari 2600 version and not arcade (pacman). Ah well....
  7. I'd say BF1942. It's definately geared to the run and gun play style.
  8. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I was only 5 when I played that for the first time..... (circa '81-82)
  9. Drats! I clicked this link thinking it was a new sequel for BerZerk! I guess it shows my age...
  10. How about I just direct you HERE instead.
  11. <------All Hail The Froating Head!!
  12. Yup, that's the one I got too. I'm pretty sure that it's the heaviest one of the bunch.
  13. I'll buy one when the price goes down......way down. <----cheap bastard
  14. By Crom! I would buy 2 copies! (if I can pay using paypal)
  15. Sounds about right. My favorite Decepticon to boot.
  16. Ooh, those are cool pics! Grew up in Austin, Texas where we had Bergstrom AFB.....got to see and hear F-4's fly over my neighborhood all the time. I miss those planes....
  17. Stupid kid is lucky. If he were in Texas (where I reside), he probably would have been shot dead.
  18. Wow! That's pretty cool! I wonder if there's an Excelsior to go along with it?
  19. I want: Magnum PI Simon & Simon The Fall Guy Riptide NOW! edit: Oh, and Tales of The Golden Monkey
  20. Welcome to MW, Shake! This is an oldie but a goodie none the less! If you go here: http://download.go-legion.com/movies/air%20force/ you'll find some other cool videos too!
  21. Actually, he reminds me of.......
  22. It's cool. I just picked this game up for $20 at TRU.
  23. Is that the series with the fighting waitresses?
  24. If you're using Windows Media Player, just hit "ctrl + i". That is, the control key and the "i" key simultaneously.
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