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claude grant

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Everything posted by claude grant

  1. Ok...sure hope you got enough, though.
  2. Count me in for the Task resin as well Jasonc, just let me know the payment details. If you like Paypal then I can make that happen today.
  3. Ok "Flash", now you're just showing off...shoulder hangar indeed ! On the level though, this is some seriously impressive work done @ a rate I still can't comprehend!...It's like BW & HG kissed and made up, decided to fast track a live action movie together, hired you to create long shot miniatures, and MechTech to do the up close working/functioning Daedalus shots (as long as Kicker773 allowed his model to be commissioned for the film)!
  4. Whoa Nellie!!! That's just blood raw awesome work young man!
  5. Whew, it's all good bro...just making sure that you were still alive & kicking!
  6. Never stopped loving them for a minute. I have one of each variation except for the 4 "unobtaniums", so that's a total of about 17 iirc. Got an extra Angelbird waiting for GWfalcon 2 seater mods. Will need @ least 2 to 3 more if he decides to do all of the variants. My constant love for them is how good the side profile looks in fighter mode...Yamato just nailed the sexy curvature of the fuselage to me.
  7. Yeah, definitely calling you "Flash". Unreal how fast you're able to turn this stuff around, and still have it looking as phenomenal as it does! You must work in the movie industry?
  8. YES!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT!!! Sorry, just realized I was yelling. But I am so stoked to see the pics!
  9. That fan behind the shoulder GB vents is just, just...D@MN!
  10. How you holding up brother? YOU, not the project.
  11. The rate @ which you're building this deserves it's own nomenclature...think I'll call it "flash" modeling; in reference to the DC comics superhero! Quite an astonishing build young man.
  12. My thoughts and prayers are with you brother.
  13. Hey Sharon Intel, you'd better check the 'For Sale or Trade' section quickly. Your vf-11b is waiting for you @ a "sane price"!
  14. Awww shucks, stop it mickyG. If not for the many folk like you, gwfalcon, EXO, and so many others providing much needed accessorizing, this would be one bland a$$ hobby. Thank God for people who create things whether it's 'licensed' or not...speaking of which, let me check in with Xigfrid & JasonC and check the status of my M+ drone! Thanks for the reminder bro and stay blessed !
  15. No I didn't mickyG, so thanks for that. This is just my fun way of keeping him motivated, cause like you said this is indeed great work! Please don't take me seriously cause I rarely do!
  16. Bump for thread solidarity!!
  17. Look here G-Dub, I have been more than patient with you; plus, it's been way more than a "couple of days" for those update pics. Don't make me have to come up (or down, or over) there, cause it won't be pretty ! How dare you have me jonesin' like a crack fiend ! Ok, that's it young man, I'm puttin' my foot down...No more personal life of your own stuff until this, and ALL other 1/48 projects, are completed comprende? Ok, enough bluffing, I need some new pics something awful G-Dub ! Please? Pretty please with sugar; or equal, stevia, or whatever you choose...
  18. Too much scrolling...bump for even more visibility!
  19. Woohoo!!!! You're welcome in spades bro.
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