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claude grant

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Everything posted by claude grant

  1. Anywhere to still secure a TV super parts set?
  2. You should also check out the 25" tall tv ver. SDF-1 someone commissioned him to build...phenomenal!
  3. Was very curious, and your reviews really helped seal the deal for me. Outstanding job sir! BTW I also pm'd you about something concerning these busts.
  4. I got burned to the tune of $140.00 US. They are hot garbage. Find a legit alternative for your peace of mind.
  5. That's what I would like to know... And yeah, absolutely great custom work on all of the above!
  6. Hey Arthurius,

    I would like those 2 chrome Yamato display stands.  Will you do $55.00?

    Ready to pull the trigger as soon as you can confirm.


    Thanks in advance,


    1. claude grant

      claude grant

      This was my original post to you.

  7. Better luck coming up with another concept. That lightning in a bottle was the brainchild of John K., and not even he himself was able to revive that original classic. Very first episode I saw was "The Littleist Giant".
  8. Best bet is to wait for Yetistand to re-open, God willing, and check with him. He already has or can make just about any adapter you can think of. And his stuff is great quality. He's got a new job and it's keeping him quite busy at the moment though. You could also post in the 'WANTED' section.
  9. Up at Amiami https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-610909 sorry this was posted already
  10. I like pics #2 & #3, but with the missiles atop little pylons. Liking this idea a lot.
  11. I liked watching this series a helluva lot! Big s forgot to mention that the aliens are bestowing these armors to mankind in exchange for 1 ton of limestone per armor unit (IIRC). What they're doing with it is a big mystery. They make a worldwide declaration over any broadcast means available on earth that they have absolutely no affiliation to any political, religious, ethnicity, creed, color you get the picture. 1 ton of limestone, and 24 hrs later (again IIRC) 1 armor unit. That's all they want...yeah right. Also, I think something is happening on the moon too. As stated, all 6 EP are on YouTube, and would only take about 75-80 minutes to binge watch. I really hope it continues cause it's got me very curious to see where this is going.
  12. "A new life awaits you in the Off World colonies! The chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure!" Looking forward to this.
  13. I am so sorry for this turn of events for you...that truly sucks.
  14. Can you imagine if Bandai pulled a Saint Seiya move and did a cloth figure line for the armors of Southern Cross? This has been on my mind for years.
  15. Ordered mine from TF-DIRECT, but same result as you've gotten so far. Emily said it would ship in early June, and since then crickets.
  16. I agree wholeheartedly.
  17. Mine was packaged the same way Slave IV, but so much of what I've gotten before looked like it was stuffed in an old, used & battered box stuffed with 5 yr. old newsprint. I guess I gushed a little maybe over what should be the norm lol!
  18. For flexibility, versatility, ease of use, setup options, expansion, fitment, durability, and least obtrusive footprint, I am hard pressed to think of a better value for your money than a Yetistand. I mean this thing looks and feels like quality from the moment you open the box. And the way it's packaged and presented is just top notch. This will without a doubt become my default stand for anything that requires elevated posing; unless it has a workable stand that comes with it already. Sorry for the delay CY, I shoulda been posted these comments!
  19. Def. a solid tip, thanks Cap'n!
  20. That's $4 bucks cheaper than BBTS...hmm And I can't count worth a lick; that's $3 bucks cheaper.
  21. Pm'ing you NOW!
  22. Hmm, never thought of that; randomly or otherwise lol!
  23. Man, this is looking soooo good! I just keep coming back for more. That Daedalus reconstruction is a thing of beauty! So far so good with the texturing also!
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