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claude grant

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Everything posted by claude grant

  1. Thanks for the update, MT! Still the ultimate scratchbuild ever, IMO. Congrats on the pending move; hope & pray all goes well with your transition back here to the states. If you do decide to make it to MWCON '10, I would almost have to make plans to be there...been watching this legendary build for too long not to see it in person!
  2. To Gubaba, Azrael, & anybody else who contributes to this thread, all I want to say is a big, sincere, and heartfelt THANK YOU!! These translations are so cool, helpful, & informative it's not even funny! And to think that you do this just out of your love of Macross and the community of fans is all the more reason to applaud you! Again, thank you so, so much for your efforts in bringing a more fine tuned understanding of the Macross Universe and it's myriad of mecha & characters to us japanese language challenged fans. I, personally, will be following this thread until the very end!
  3. Hey Agent, You need to quit smoking that la-la-la. That was a custom box made for customed/weathered valks.
  4. I don't see them either even after zooming in on the pic...
  5. Happy Pappy Day to you to MT! Some of the finest works have always taken the longest time to reach fruition. And in the case of this masterpiece, I would expect a lengthy window of time to achieve this level of perfection. I mean the things that you're taking into account just astound me. Again, continued success on your studies, Happy Father's Day, and keep up the phenomenal & groundbreaking work on this legendary build! Personally, I'll be around to see it completed, God willing.
  6. Alright aura, I'm in for 20 pairs of these...don't let me down my friend.
  7. That is pure hotness, Mav.! Can't wait to see your final touches. Hope that you have plans on doing a small production run of this fantastic setup/display.
  8. Just keep the good stuff coming MT; no matter how little of it there is. Still the best project of its' kind I've ever seen.
  9. Hey anime52k8, I thought the red things (low thrust verniers) were component locks? Is there a dual purpose to them that I've overlooked?
  10. Delay Schmay...congrats on the good grade, MT! Keep rising to the top. Always good to see the continuing progress on this legendary build. Stay blessed & thanks for the update!
  11. It would be cool if you could do both, MT. If not, then I think the option that gives you "GREAT" sound would be best. As long as you could coordinate the flashing lights with certain sounds, I think the presentation would be awesome! And oh yeah, good luck with your schooling & make us proud!
  12. HLJ has all of the Macross Chronicles in stock, but you better hurry cause they're going fast! Cheapest price I've seen them for yet!
  13. this is my fav. thread at MW...just keep it coming MT!!
  14. I just realized something...I didn't blink one time during that update! Keep on rollin' MT!
  15. Good Lord, MT, even your controller design is a work of art!! Still watching & waiting patiently...
  16. I just cannot believe what I'm seeing! This is the bee's knees, the cat's meow, and any other crazy saying that I can't think of right now! MT, you have truly blessed this Christmas with this update! Keep the faith, and stay the course, because the goal line is in sight!
  17. I've held my peace long enough...this is pure and utter engineering genius at work here! I've followed this thread from early on, and all I can say is B A D A $ $! Whatever you do MT, make sure that the Japanese publications get a gander at this cause I can see this in Model Graphix, Hobby Japan, Newtype, and just about any other trade of note. I can't give you kudos enough on this herculean undertaking, other than to say that the day you complete this will be will be almost akin to what occured on Nov. 4, 2008...historic!
  18. like i said before, you have mad skills; i'm following this thread as long as you keep it going.
  19. Now that's a nice looking sculpt. looks more anime accurate. quality as usual, impeccable work from talented hands; masterful work again bro!
  20. good look on the link; thanks Miriya.
  21. hornet you're right...i forgot her original Macross name Lasalle! got some changes to make to my profile. thanks hornet.
  22. thanks wolf, my bad. i really do need to check around here more often than i do.
  23. if you missed it the first time, i just saw this at HLJ again; http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00050
  24. Hey Kicker, where did you get that claudia grant figure from?
  25. mad skillz, pardna! that is the hotness!! please feel free to do more & keep embellishing.
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