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claude grant

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Everything posted by claude grant

  1. MJ, please offer this w/a pre-painted option. I really want this cool item!
  2. Oh yeah, please offer pre-painted like you did w/the gunpod; it was so nice to just take out of the package, inspect & display w/a valk no muss no fuss.
  3. If this comes out like the gunpod prototype then this is going to rock & you can count me in for a set!
  4. For me, it's 1)- if I like the the story, animation, and music of the tv series, ova, movie, I would tend to gravitate toward the mechanics of that particular property, 2)- what's the largest scale I can get that properties mecha in that has the best detail & posability for my taste, 3)- is the price point reasonable for my modest income, and 4)- can I complete the series of collectibles I'm trying to acquire? Turned out that the Yamato 1/48 Valks satisfied all 4 of my criteria, and the blessing was that I bought practically each one as they were released. Only missing the 'holy grail' 4 & the 'weathered' versions (which are just highlighted/accented duplicates of what I already had), so no biggie. Macross Plus was real easy; 3 Valks & you're done! (just ordered the VF-11B from HKC @ a good price) But Macross Frontier (version 1) was where I started to grow weary of how these collectibles were being offered to the masses...enter the Tamashi Nation Exclusives. Got all the Messiahs & their TNE accessories, but was disappointed that these items didn't come with the original releases. Oh well, that's just a little insight as to how I collect...interesting thread this is.
  5. "I like your avatar...that's miriya's box art for my VF1D if i'm not mistaken. God I have to get that thing finished."... ...please do so sir, would love 2 c it (and own 1 4 myself)!
  6. thanks for that Valid...gonna have to see if i can find some of these.
  7. co-sign Benson, and he's right...it's guys like u that take the time to fabricate this stuff that I stand in awe of. Your embellishments to already existing items, as well as your completely original one of a kinds, make for a richer more satisfying hobby experience IMO, so hats off to all of you! oh, and u r most welcome for the link bro!
  8. Kurisama, Imagine if u & the guys in your modeling circle/club/organization, that is if u r in one, decided to collectively invest in something like this... http://3dprinting.com/3dprinters/the-form-1-prosumer-a-revolutionary-desktop-3d-printer/ With your current stable of products, and whatever else your fellow comrades/contributors offered, u could realistically become your own smaller scale Shapeways type company.
  9. hey m.o.m.,<br /><br />where did u get your hangars from? those really look great. hey valid,<br /><br />where can i find a resource for the $5.00 dollar hangars?
  10. Definitely not Detolf friendly, I wager !
  11. Dang, sorry to hear that man...hang in there & keep your head up, bro.
  12. Selfish bump...I just can't stop looking at this upgrade & imagining it on my extra Angelbird w/Super VF-1J's TV Armour also! Pm'ing u Gdub w/a boatloada questions.
  13. Hey Benson, Did u ever do the leg missiles & hip grenades?
  14. Gdub, don't tease me like this...do you really mean an honest to goodness 2-seater upgrade kit for the existing 1/48? You doggone right I can wait! Man please don't let me down on this one!
  15. Love this design & look; question is can I still get a 1D kit from somewhere? Any help community?
  16. I can hardly wait for my 1/48th sets to arrive!! Just an awesome display!
  17. If you could do that design in 1/48 w/robust & solid articulation, I'd be all over them! That is a beautifully designed hand my friend!
  18. That is going to be bad a$$, Jason...can't wait to see this thing painted & lit up!
  19. hey valky-001, got any idea where i can get one of those 'spoons' for a reasonable price?...in the great condition that your's is in of course!
  20. Hey Astralith, you might want to investigate these hands from Hobby Base...i think the 1/144 just might be a perfect match for the 1/60 v2's. Hope this helps. http://www.gaijin-gunpla.com/hobby-base-hands/
  21. Even unfinished this custom is already paying off...the 'real drag' is not having one in my possession to drool over!
  22. 2 copies of the next "Gold Book" please !
  23. Please let me know the price & how to order...sure hope I can afford this and the Regult cause you definitely know how to do them justice!
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