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claude grant

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Everything posted by claude grant

  1. That part right there SV. I will never ever directly support KC. Agreed grundee.
  2. Thanks for the heads up CF-18.
  3. Is D4 toys a reliable site?
  4. All facts I cosign mantisfists.
  5. I'm 1000 percent on board with both the Legioss, Cyclone, and Ride Armor redesigns. But I'm with Chas on that shin piston; not for it's inclusion, but for it's exposure/visibility. I wish they would have designed a removable armor plate that covers that up. You wouldn't want an area that is obviously critical for mobility to be unprotected like that; especially on the front of such a machine designed for aggressive combat...go figure. I hope they revisit that one area and give it a cover of some sort before this gets released.
  6. Dang my bad, you are so right......
  7. Thanks so much for that clarification jvmacross.
  8. Is this a reissue of the original book with a different cover, or a new volume?
  9. Even Takani-san knew not to paint forearm armor on the trainer; wise man.
  10. https://tokullectibles.com/products/dx-chogokin-vt1-super-ostrich?_pos=3&_sid=e3572fbb4&_ss=r Don't know if anyone has ever used this place before, but I secured a pre-order from them earlier today. My first time using them, so I hope they deliver. I just checked and it was still available for those that want it.
  11. Oh man is that a relief! Thanks for the clarification gents. Sometimes I'm as dense as all get out lol.
  12. Don't mean to pry sir, but why is this your last VF?
  13. I can't speak to your experience but my transactions with them run smoothly thank God. Wouldn't have posted the link if I thought they were shady.
  14. Agreed Test_Pilot_2, just placed my preorder in as well. Don't foresee a better one coming down the pipe anytime soon in while I'm still a collector. And for those who'd like a quick link, here you go. https://showzstore.com/kingarts-diecastfigureseries-dfs079-dangaioh_p5524.html
  15. You are most welcome my friend, glad to help.
  16. This is a sister site to Showzstore. They created it to handle more of the Gundam type related merch. Have ordered from them many a time with great success. What I really like is that any points you have at Showz work there also, so if you've racked up mega points you can use them across both platforms...ultra cool. And yes, Alex GS, whatever they set the preorder up for is all you pay to guarantee a reservation spot. They will let you know when the item is in stock and that's when the remainder of your payment is due. I hope they stick around a long time cause they are one of the most solid collectibles platforms I've had the pleasure of dealing with. Just noticed 'mantisfists' already answered Alex GS...my bad.
  17. Just in case anybody was interested... https://gundamit.com/moshow-vr052f-genesis-climber-mospeada-cyclone-ride-armor_p1387.html
  18. https://www.bombusbee.net/king-arts-dfs079-dangaioh-diecast-figure-series-p6237.html Preorders are just now starting to pop up, and this is one of the first I could find. I'm sure other retailers are soon to follow. Releasing Q4 of 2023...save your ducats up!
  19. Hey cap'n when is the payment due? I didn't miss it did I?
  20. Trust me cap'n, I have a friend that does work like this at your same level of craftmanship; I know exactly how much goes on behind the scenes that we never see. That's why I admire what you do.
  21. You is a sculpting fool, and that's all I got say.
  22. Please add me to the list for one of these Cap... WANT!
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