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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Collecting dust in my garage back home on Terra Firma; An old NR-SR-E3/NR-SL-E3, An SDP-1 Stampede Valkyrie. & a squad of Northrom QF-3000E Ghosts. For combat purposes; A Custom VF-22C Super “Radome” (Not Canon per-say, But if Mac-7 kept going we would have seen Max, & Milia produce something along these lines.) Mine would be basically a General Galaxy VF-22 Sturmvogel II equipped with a Recon Radome. A pair of S.E.S. FAST pack dorsal booster Pods For rocking on my electric keyboard with. & I’m going to keep the brainwave control system from the original YF-21 specs, But with a conventional control cockpit for emergencies, and mental cool down. It’s not to dissimilar to the Shinsei Industry VF-11C Thunderbolt Super "Radome" Why the Radome? I’m a drone nut, tactical warfare, multitasking freak. Tracking multiple targets simultaneously, and sending the telemetry via laser comm to my entourage Squad of Drone Fighters. My Drone fighters? Old school would be a Squad of QF-300E Ghosts, Mac-7 Era I would be acquiring A Squad of Ghost AIF-9B Drone Fighters (equipped with Super Packs) Network coordinated with my Radome system. I realize the Sharon Apple incident was to convince everyone AI drone Fighters are going to take over the world. But I like my AI ladies, & I was grooving on Sharon’s Music. So don’t knock my choice of Drones! My ghosts would have a more classic N-net architecture AI system salvaged from my older QF-3000E Ghosts. (Not the manic wetware Sharon Apple used.) Not that I would be afraid of the manic Wet-Ware Sharon used, It’s just the fact allot of folks seem to forget an AI has a learning curve. Given time they can obtain Veteran tactical combat pilot skillz making them practically invincible. I’d be tearing out the black boxes from the remains of downed drones every time they got shot up, & plugging the things into newer models as I upgraded.
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