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Posts posted by wmkjr

  1. I picked the up the VF-0D recently. I really like it. A fair amount more diecast that a bandai 'gokin. I wrote a full review of it here http://kumastyledesigns.com/160-scale-perfect-transformation-vf-0d-phoenix-shin-version/

    I see that you edited the Gerwalk reference. Not to nitpick but the release date was February 2015 and it would be good to include a Gerwalk pic so peeps get what you're talking about. Besides that, good review!

  2. Wow, that is pricey. Yes, Detolfs are heavy and very awkard to move the boxes by yourself. I know because I bought 4 and got them into my apartment. :lol:

    If it was easy, I would bring some detolfs back for you when I go back home for vacation.

    Hahaha! Imagine waiting at the carousel in baggage claim. Thanks for the offer! If you did that, I'd buy you a pallet full of Spam, Hawaiian sun, Island princess snacks and whatever else you need from here! :lol:

    Wow! It might actually be more economical to have a similar display case fabricated?

    I might have to do that. Either way, shipping materials to the glazier/cabinet makers will still be pricey on top of the labor.

  3. They will work. You just have to use the stock adapters that came with the valk. Yeti made the YF-29 adapter to cut the clutter from the stock adapters plus they can be held upside down.☺

  4. I can almost see a painted version fighter mode. Pretty brave of Mr. K to take a pic. Hmph, looking closer, the VF-0A Battroid is painted too. A blue greyish color?

  5. Finally got my Custom VF-1J Macross The First livery Valk home tonight! Lancelot did the build and paint and he's done a fantastic job! It really looks sensational! ^_^

    So happy with the end result! This has the Kurisama head unit on it too so full credit to him for making this amazing sculpt available! The whole thing has come together so nicely!

    Let me know what you guys think! Once again a big thanks to both Lancelot and Kurisama for making this possible! You guys are legends! B))

    I don't like it at all. In fact I think you should take it off your shelf, box it up, and ship it over here to me so I can "dispose" of it for you in my special glass containment unit. :p Awesome custom!

  6. That polling plus maybe do a crowd funding thing saying this is how much dollars it'll take to get this model/scheme happening. Throw in some bonus items. Pledge this tier level, get x bonus item(s) (ground crews, extra water slide decals, PE parts, missile/gun effects, gun straps, non-standard bombs/missiles etc).

  7. As for lasers, I forsee that when truly effective and cheap-ish AAA lasers become a reality, the warplane as we know it will become almost instantly obsolete. No airplane can evade a beam of light, and if the laser can target the aircraft it can instantly punch a good-sized hole in it. No, it can't handle BVR, but in today's combat environment, area denial is the name of the game, and a AAA laser could deny a good 2-3 mile radius or perhaps more. The same laser would be quite effective at killing missiles, I think, depending on if its targeting system is quick and discerning enough. Compound this problem by a factor of five, if not more, if such a laser system becomes man-portable.

    At that point, aircraft may well become BVR stand-off weapon platforms for stealthy ordnance. We'll see, I doubt a laser to my specs becomes a reality for 10-15 years yet.

    This scenario reminds me of the Muv Luv series with the laser firing Beta. Next thing you know we'll start to develop Tactical Surface Fighters haha!

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