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Posts posted by wmkjr

  1. Dale Brown came up with that one a while back... :) Also, as the resident F-35 contrarian I'd like to point out that the F-16 started out as a lightweight, affordable fighter with minimal avionics. Then they started hanging boxes all over it... ;)

    Heres something a bit different; a Tiffy in special colours to mark the 75th Anniversary of The Battle of Britain:


    I would love to have seen a Hawker typhoon flying in formation with the Eurofighter in a matching color scheme.

  2. Those are pics of the prototype painted. Not the final colors shown yet that I could find. You can see more of those pics here (scroll down) and here. You can also read (translate) part 2 of 2 so far, of the development blog here. Mr. K said he wants to make the armor but it's still in the air and those holes are for future development (But come on really? It should be a no brainer if not it'll be useless holes).

  3. Or you can just have a Macross series not called Macross in the title. Now not too sure about the nuance of the licencing contract HG has but it's a loophole. It only need to exist in the same universe.

    And Skullmilitia, nothing should steal anything from the F-35. The latest test has made it clear that it can't dogfight against a F16 with two wing fuel tanks loaded and the 35 is flying clean and empty. The F-35 is a basket case.

    Edit: Link to the article about the F-16 v F-35 test Though some are questioning the details of the report.

    Link just reverts back here for me

  4. Here you go, wmkjr. Length-wise and thickness, they're the same. Corner edges wise, it's more squarish looking on the Advanced Bossters. And the major difference is the wing slot middle section area. Almost the same tampo prints except the SMS on the Advanced Boosters are bigger. And the tip on the Advanced Booster is thinner than the regular boosters. Hope that helps. ;)


  5. Can the Yeti Base adapter install the other way? You can have the pivot on the outside of the base, bring the arm curving down and forward over the center of the stand. Gives it a little less height.

  6. @microtree- I'd say snag one now. I dunno about the restocking thing for these as I usually try to order via the dreaded pre-order madness. As for re- releases, the VF-25S reissue took a couple of years for that one. The VF-25F was a little better in reissued time. Hopefully a VF-25G one comes out next year or sooner if possible.

    @swoosh - I love looking at your pics.

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