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Posts posted by wmkjr

  1. Additional pointers on the backpack area based on what I saw in the manual. Push the folding back part area more towards the body so that it will create a space so that when you fold the backpack it will have more clearance. Atleast the pointy part from the back is not touching the tailfins. Hope that helps. ;)

    attachicon.gifvf0a_backflap1.jpg attachicon.gifvf0a_backflap2.jpg

    Just comparing the greys on both VF-4G and VF-0A. Love it. :wub:


    Thanks for taking those ghost shots and I wish I had a VF-4G. Those two look great together. Great pics Spanner and Anubis too!

  2. Because they are way more awesome with Super/Armored/Tornado parts!. :p J/k .

    If they ever revisit the VF-25 line they would figure out a way to make the wings removable so you can swap it out like the VF-171 so people that want it clean and those that want it with hard points can have them. Also make them swivel too for different wing positions. The V1's clip on weapons set look horrible.

  3. Maybe if it was all metal it would wear down the plastic socket so they put a plastic on plastic contact to reduce wear? I'm not sure. Bandai's hip are full metal to plastic socket correct? Some of mine are getting floppy.

  4. I am a newbie...but I've been OVD and spent enough time fixing nitpicky mistakes to be able to confirm this.

    Obsessive Valkyrie Disorder. I got that too.

    Good info here and the Beginner's guide to modeling as I'm also a newbie and about to start on my first model build.

  5. Thought I could win it at Y55100 on the last 15sec. :rolleyes: But I was surprised to see that after putting my bid the seller extended the time for another 5mins before that time ended. (Didn't know they could do that. :blink:) And that's the highest I could go since I'm using Buyee. Oh well. :lol:

    VF-4G. Used. Y56100.


    I guess the other deal fell through. Same seller with relisted item now starting at 55000 but with a gunpod thrown in as a bonus.

  6. For those that own both: the main "pale" striping/marking color. Is it different on the new one? V1 used the same very pale lavender as Brera's, which almost looked grey, but was in fact purple. The Hase kit used actual grey for the stripes and I believe it should be that way.

    In short---Bandai used the exact same tampo printing color for Grace's, as Brera's, and that's wrong I think. On the V1, at least.

    I took some pics of both of them together. Maybe it'll help answer your question...or not.



    Nice pics Spanner! Love that UN and 0D sticker on the laptop!

  7. hmm ube... i miss that purple gooey goodness so much... the closest i've been able to get here is taro (all the bubble tea places have them), which doesn't really come close...

    i do like the avocados here (from mexico) better, even though they're way smaller, since they usually don't have a lot of the bitter roots

    this may be weird of me but, i kinda like the v1 grace better... the lighter gray 'toes' and thrusters turn me off

    Doesn't the v1 grace have the lighter grey thrusters/toes ? The newer one is darker.

  8. Found a box waiting on my porch.

    This is the contents of the foam packaging (I swapped the canopies) plus the decal stickers:


    Bonus shot (adapter and booster from V1):


    The green painting is way better than the first one. It's pretty uniform even though it doesn't look like it from the pic. As mentioned in the previous page, the turbines behind the intake covers are lame as when you remove the cover there is nothing behind it. Will post some comparison shots later.

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