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Posts posted by wmkjr

  1. Lovely Shots Sixtybucks! Love That balancing act there Troy! On Another note, here IS a link to a corrected stickers guide for pages 2 and 3? Http://Arcadia.Ac/user_data/notice.Php

    Not sure if this is already posted before. Arcadia released an Important Notice for this release.


    I posted the markings correction earlier but your post has more info and links. Thanks for the info about the battroid seat and the customer service info (which basically says were on our own).

  2. I'm guessing they would post the issues so that others are made aware of them when handling them for the first time. Good point about the fans in Japan and that's good for them but it still would not address the fact of QC issues from the factory. As for customer service that's fine for the people in Japan as I expect Arcadia will take care of them. But what about the rest of us? Does anyone know if they'll take care of exports or tried to get replacement parts? Amazon has excellent customer service as I've had to call them up about wrong shipped items and they shipped out the correct items right then and there. I've never tried to contact Arcadia's customer service but with the whole licensing issues I wonder if they even can help.

    That would be nice if Arcadia did that Mommar, a domestic vs export QC issues comparison. Maybe they already have.

    edit: Sorry, all of the above was typed before your reply Mommar except the bottom. Also, it sucks that they couldn't send people to the factories more frequently to oversee the builds.

  3. Maybe it's just that as we are centralized as a group, being vocal to the QC issues let's more people become aware of said issues and say "Hey! I got the same issues!" and adds to the encounter rate. Compared to someone not on here and just got their valk with QC issues, he's on his own and not able to let anyone know. Maybe they can use social media to vent but unless they have followers that like Macross or collecting to help retweet it wouldn't help address the issue.

    What would be the best way to contact Arcadia about the QC issues without having them lose face? Arcadia's customer service email? Being outside of Japan, would they even consider problems encountered and address them or just brush it off as "Sorry for that happening, non domestic purchases are buy at your own risk". How about via social media? I've noticed a few postings/retweets on his twitter about some of the QC issues but not too many. Maybe if a lot of people start describing and posting pics of the QC issues on Arcadia's twitter it could be addressed better or is it a cultural no-no to talk negatively like mentioned earlier?

  4. what! a double seater vf-0a? did you just make it a......vf-0b!!? :o I would like to hear if it could pass as the 0b version.. B))B))

    edit* Just to add, you may have accidentally revealed the next arcadia release after the vf-0a CF!! :D

    @no3ljm just trying to imagine the squeezing of the ghosts canards to fit you mentioned.. From vf5ss video review it doesnt seem possible and would end up scratching the top 0a paint or worse breaking the ghost canards?

    It's close to passing for a VF-0B. I would need to swap the heads with each other then it would pass as a B and the other as a C. Oh and paint it a uniform color but it kinda matches like that.

    As for the Ghost. Can't you put the ghost down first then peg the tank down over it?

  5. Hell yeah I want Arcadia to remain in business as long as possible! Any company making Macross anything for that matter (but I focus on the toy part mostly). They keep making them, I'll keep buying them! But for the more obscure offerings, I can see fans stepping up to fill those gaps with the tech to back it up in the future. Like the garage kits now but higher quality materials and finish.

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