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Posts posted by wmkjr

  1. Transformation possible? Those shoulder and arm joints wouldn't be there for nothing would it or wishful thinking? Looks pretty good for a printed prototype. Images from @Bat1911:




  2. Even after all the buzz of the VF-4G announcement, I'm still waiting for this one too! Thanks to GGemini for the Dengeki Hobby link to the Arcadia pics. Here's one of them:


  3. Hey, why macros delta topic is locked?

    you see vf-1 gbp is only for robot mode.

    then they upgrade Macross Frontier valks which armour can also use in fighter and gerwalk mode.

    hence I wish Bandai will upgrade upcoming MACROSS DELTA for

    gbp/armour mode can transform/morph into fastpack!!!!! Quite COOL isn't it if idea get selected ^^

    Because at one point it got way off topic so it got locked. It'll re-open when more news gets out. Wouldn't what you want be called an Armoured version?

  4. This is amazing! I bought this thing, and was planning to just build it and paint some resin on or in the parts. But yeah... gonna do at least some of what you are doing. No stranger to modding a kit, kitbashed the old amt ENTERPRISE kit into my own design. But I would like to make this able to transform(well, partsform) via magnets, which would also give the shoulders movement. Any suggestions on making the elbows movable?

    Check his 1/2700 scale build. The first one one in his sig.

  5. Okay reading the old thread I found 26985yen before discounts for the Yamato. The Yen to USD at that time (August 2012) was around 79 (bleh). So it came out to be around $341 before discounts. If you go with the release month of December rates 82-87 yen it comes out cheaper. Does this sound right for the folks who got in the first time?

    For folks living in the states, with the yen rates as they are now if they charged 37800yen (assuming a 40% markup to the above price) it would be almost the same pricing.

    @ Reaction Warhead- Check the Arcadia VF-0 Thread. The transformation is similar but if you compare the valks side by side there's a difference in the molds.

  6. This pic in on Arcadia's twitter Right now.

    You sure it's Arcadia's? I spot Vaseline and only know of one person that has that :p j/k though he does have nice pics.

    I'm down for a least 2 as I missed it the last time. I'm guessing 35000yen after discounts.

  7. 1/60 SDF-1 Macross confirmed

    I thought it was a 1/60 Spartan?

    Anyways, like mentioned above I hope that it's somebody's VF-4G Yamato with the skull stickers on for a preview and will do the whole color/scheme thing later on.

  8. You sure it's not this? :p j/k


    I'm one of those that missed the VF-4G the first time so I'll be happy if it is released.

    edit: Someone did a good job of blurring the pixelated photo on the facebook page. I tried the same thing and got this:


  9. Well, well, well....what do we have here?

    That's weird. I do see a VF-4 as well. :lol: Holy crap I might be wrong about the Ivanov. Here are some rescaled photos for the squint-challenged.


    Did someone put the Hasegawa super parts on Arcadia's Twitter? :p I'm so late on this. I just realized that if you put your laptop far across the room you can see the outline of the plane better. :rolleyes:

  10. And those of us who need to sleep before work and/or are taking care of an ailing mother and have zero time to mash F5 or are too exhausted to.

    Oops, forgot about peeps living on the mainland. Good examples that I forgot. If you need one LMK, thinking about letting mine go.

    How about here? A little pricey. Via yellowsubmarine? http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/yellowsubmarine/item/4549660018995/

    edit: There is also one on Rakuten via Amiami that's cheaper but I wouldn't risk not getting the order filled if Amiami's main site is already closed.

  11. 0930_regult_09.jpg





    So does that last sentence translate to (from ToysDaily);


    Is it me or does the top aft guns look like it can swivel (maybe to come off?)

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