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Posts posted by wmkjr

  1. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002QYNIGG?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00

    That's the item, the seller was Tokyo Line. They say is was an accident it was listed there (yeah, sure) and that they're going to refund my payment

    Thanks for the link. Yeah after looking at the link I think Amazon needs to edit the listing. The product description and pics are for the HI-METAL but the summary and title on top are for the model kit. One way to tell is the HI METAL doesn't have landing gears and the model does that and like you siad the model is more blocky.

  2. I think it was someone else that liked the VF-9 not Renato. Some folks like different valks.

    Until I see a estimated release date or price I'll take all these as "for display purposes". Hopefully the Glaug can hold it's arms and itself up. Not liking all those support arms.

  3. A little better shots:


    I'm thinking it's like Yeti's diagram maybe for the lower arms where it's spilt up and down one side the shield and one side the gun. But it makes more sense to have it angle and sit flush next to the lower legs tucked inside the wings where it pivots. Unless the gun goes up and over like the variable glaug?

  4. Your comment brings up an interesting point abt the tailfins, it looks like the 262s has a short bottom tailfin in the trailer.

    Not only would it be puzzling where they would end up, but if they are not of the same height, we may be in non-symetrical design territory once they are positioned in battroid mode. :huh:

    Very interesting trying to figure out the transformation. To me it looks like the bottom tailfin is part of the "gun".


  5. When was the last time there was this much Macross goodies available for purchase or soon to be available? It's just the prequel to The Year of Macross!!! :)

    The Year of the Empty Wallet and Maxed Credit!


    Edit: Changed it. I like this one more.

  6. Whats the use seperating top and bottom sets of back flaps in flight anyway? Shouldnt all in one be better?

    Maybe it's for Gerwalk/Battroid to allow more side to side range of motion of the feet? If it was fixed the feet would hit the flaps.

  7. Hard to deny not seeing that big no symbol around a camera. J/k

    To me personally, seeing how being courteous and respectful to other is part of the culture I doubt they would take a pic if it was requested not to.

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