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Posts posted by wmkjr

  1. question is the glaug and regult 1/60 ?

    If you're talking the HI METAL ones that are coming out then no. Yamato made a resin kit Regult in 1/60 scale in limited quantities.

  2. To me, from looking at those pics it looks like the plate got pushed down too far (if it was inserted from the bottom) due it going past what appears to be a small tab in the middle. If you can find a small spudger tool maybe you can insert it in the gap,widen it enough to where the middle tab clears and you can push it back down from the top.

    Edit: Try showing a pic of the incorrect one without the red circle

  3. Non-stop Macross release parties through May at least? What's after May?

    Jan - VF-2SS

    Feb - Regult and VF-4

    March - Cosmo SDF-1 TV

    April - HMR Fokker VF-1S

    May - HMR Glaug

    Summer time will be time for the Wallet/Funds Remembrance Festival where we honor all the spent currency that allowed us to have these. Then Delta madness in the Fall. Somewhere along the lines will be the Monster Mash.

  4. Thanks guys. Derex, did you have to do anything to the Flory wash before applying like heating it up? Dunno if it's because of the matte finish but some of the wash remained stained on some of the non paneled areas. It's my first time trying a wash so I just put some on the lines and let it sit for awhile then wiped of the excess with a qtip.

    I blame ALL OF YOU for convincing me to order this tonight. I am weak and no self control....or money now..LOL.


  5. I also spotted what might be super parts attached next to both sides of the rudder.

    If it's those parts next to the tailfin on both sides I dunno what to call them. I just call them the missile pods as Scyla has a pic of them opened above. I believe they are underneath also.

  6. did anyone else notice that the gold trim was missing in the episode?

    They are all missing their gold/silver trims and logos. Instead, they have that red trim which earlier I thought it could be some type of activated mode or something as the toy only has it on the right side. Also, I mistook the missile pods on the lower leg areas as the drones but they are 2 separate things. The blue/gold one was the one that shot the Vf-171 and blew up the carrier and was dueling with delta 02.

  7. Only badass peeps that shoot down/dodge the Itano circus/ghosts or have the passing flyby can have them. Radar dished, battle damaged and new member valks get none. J/K. Like someone said, maybe they'll get there own later. I wonder if that reaper symbol plays a part in the series as the Draken ace seems to know what it is?

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