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Posts posted by wmkjr

  1. How different is this Arcadia 19 when compared to Yamato's original release? I only own the Original Yf-19 from yamato. Shall i consider getting Arcadia's release? I Stumbled into it just now at HLJ, and... I don't know what to do...

    Shorter though stockier battroid build, redesigned fighter profile, hardpoints for included weapons set and hi speed-mode though wings are finicky. Less tampo and same ankle design as the VF-19's

    Scroll down for comparison pics at http://anymoon.com

  2. You thinking about something along the likes of a Gunhed? I think a variable tank wouldn't be needed. As of the the most current Macross, I think the Cheyennes are capable enough with the weapons they carry to fill that role and they're smaller than the VF-25's. The Cheyenne's got wheels they can drop down to improve speed and maneuverability. VFs can get to target in a quicker response time. Terrain wouldn't be a factor for a VF. Need more firepower? If the super/armored/tornado type parts are atmospheric capable you can strap them on to supplement or call in a VB-6. If that don't work then call in a orbital strike. :p

  3. From looking at pic right in the silver area if your looking from the rear, I think the rear wheel wells will have ample space for a hinged type gear like the VF-19 Advance. Also, looking at the screen caps above it looks like the drones rotate while the wingtips remain folded facing forward. Maybe they mount like the SV-51 but hopefully more secured but the underside photo looks like the hardpoint area is on a pivot.

  4. Hahaha! Set the pose, set the lights, set the camera, don't move, don't breath, SHOOT! Wait, there's speck of dust I can see! Moves everything, only to bump valk that crumbles to ground. Redo everything only to find a bead of sweat on the valk from moving all the stuff. Redo all that again only to find a low battery signal. What else can go wrong? :p Crazy love for these valks I tell ya!

  5. Saburo, some incredible pics, yet again. Nice way to kick off the New Year!

    I got a new toy in late last week and have just now gotten a chance to play around a bit with it. It's a light tent setup with 3 massive lights to (hopefully) get my pics to a new level. The investment was modest and I'm wondering why I didn't do this ages ago.

    Anyway, Saburo gave me some great tips and I think you'll appreciate this quick shot I did handheld when I was setting it up this evening:

    attachicon.gifVF-25G Giant Light.JPG

    I'll have more to share in the coming weeks, now that I've got some decent light sources.

    NIce! Can't wait to see more! Does the 135w bulbs get super hot after prolonged use? I had lower wattage bulbs (forgot the rating 65w or 85w) and used it for awhile (2 1/2 hours of mostly continuous use) and the base of the glass spiral warped. I thought I was being careful as I handle it with gloves as not to get oils from my fingers on the bulb or just grab the housing part only if I can.

  6. For any of the new members looking at getting this from an online shop. Both Arcadia and Amiami (before discount) has the tax included with the pricing (32800 + 8%tax). HLJ doesn't and won't charge you the tax I believe. Dunno what the shipping is via Arcadia but I do know the shipping via EMS is usually higher for Amiami then HLJ.

  7. When are they gonna put up the new photo shots that was teased instead of old pre-production ones with the olive drab gunpod? Also, Arcadia has more display stands and VF-0Ds available if anyone is looking.

    You'll be waiting for awhile for the DX version I think.

  8. Click the follow this topic on the upper right of this thread. It'll send updates on this thread to your email. Usually folks will put up the links for the preorder sites. Forgot the price, I think it was 32800 yen maybe? I think it was cheaper. But we don't know if it's a straight reissue with all those extra weapons set or a different one with some revisions.

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