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Posts posted by wmkjr

  1. I wonder if the landing gear is ABS and you're brave enough, you can use a drop of acetone to melt the tips of the broken sections together?

    Edit: Nvm, I thought it works instantly but looks like you need to let it sit. People would drop ABS bits mixed with acetone to make a slurry then use that to repair. I've used Plastruct Bondene to join the wing ratchet for my YF-25 back together after I accidentally dropped it and snapped the wing off.


  2. As of now, It's a tie for me for Delta 3 (I like the islander vibe of Chuck, it's yellow, plus the Radome) and Delta 4 (because of Makina's on board), 1, 2, then 5

  3. Mit, I only see the term "useless" being used when it's describing the use of ground based mecha for combat in space or am I not reading it right?

    Perhaps we should replace "do not need" with "not as effective as"? For example: At this point in time in the Macross Universe, the use of variable ground mecha for combat would not be as effective as the use of currently existing Destroids. That way you can fanfic your own variable ground mech and find closure to this. I would love to see someone's take on this.

    Who knows about the Octos, maybe in Delta they'll have some type of variable submarine mech if they ever visit Chuck Mustang's planet and find it 90% covered by water.

    The role infantry played in Macross Zero was as cannon fodder. :p Looks like a good example of why infantry is probably not used in the same capacity some 50 years later as they got worked on that beach pretty good.

  4. Wow, looks smaller than I expected next to that Focker toy.

    Probably the angle and lens is making it look small. IXTL has a good video showing the display.

    Here's 2 pics of the same display taken at different angles:



    From Bandai's page but from what happened with the Advance take it with a grain of salt.


  5. And finally, the most important - "The U.N. Forces continued production of the Octos, producing some 28 units until Space War I when the production line was destroyed." - in other words, the variation submarines were appreciated and further production was interrupted not by the "financial and political considerations", but destruction, "Space War I"

    But right before that it says "production costs for the Octos were high and thus only a small number were manufactured" so wouldn't that be considered a financial reason not to?.

    Edit: I can see the reason as being produced in small numbers for it's specialized role such as a SpecOps or SAR transport or something along that line. Try comparing the Octos to the Cheyenne Mk II. I know the Octos can carry troops but would you want to be fighting these huge aliens as combat infantry?

  6. I've gone cross eyed from trimming No Step stickers. All finished now. Hopefully it looks good... or better than all plain at least. Arcadia's panel lines are... fun... to fill in with a wash.. let's leave it at that!

    Looks great! Needs a pic with the other 2 again now.

  7. If it would be happening it would be all over the main page. Actually, any bit of important info would be posted there so I would just check there periodically. Just letting anyone know because me being ignorant, I didn't know it was there before as I had the Forums section bookmarked instead of the main page since I first signed up.

    It's the tab marked Main site- www.macrossworld.com under the MacrossWorld banner. You can see info on the latest podcast, facebook page stuff and whatever else is important.

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