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Posts posted by wmkjr

  1. The one decent shot shown of the Gerwalk mode of the VF-2SS in Episode 4, section B of the OAV shows the leg intakes way out to the side of the fusealage intakes. More or less position D or fighter position. The shoulders are resting on top of the intakes.

    Is there any way to connect the gunpod to the undercarriage? I've seen something that looks like this in a few shots.

    Incidentally, I don't think I've seen the fin coming down from the bottom center (slightly to the rear of the cockpit section). I take it that feature doesn't exist on this toy?

    It's there. You can see it the undercarriage shots folded between a rectangular piece. I wish that piece was more wedge shape though to blend in with the fuselage instead of a 90 angle.


  2. Hmm, the info on the bottom left corner says 1/60 Lancer II Sale time:TBD Price:TBD. It's a planned unpainted assembly resin kit. It'll be 220mm long, opening cockpit and stand attachment. It'll be the first from Arcadia in this scale as I think the mini SDF-1 needed assembly too or am I mistaken? Mods please move thread to model section if needed.

  3. I was thinking adapter as well. As for landing gear, I don't think it even needs one as it's for space combat and was designed for quick strike then glide back home kinda deal. Maybe it gets grabbed by launch arms for recovery.

  4. Edited 4/11/17: Expected release date May 2017. Price 17064 (including tax) or 15800 tax excluded. Unpainted and unassembled resin kit.

    April 30 closing date for pre-orders. Depending on orders it might be shipped after June.



    From Wonderfest 2016 Winter. I'm putting this out there as a placeholder for more info and in the hopes that it doesn't turn into vaporware as I would love to see other vehicles made. Also, I noticed it's designed by MEF so maybe if it does sell and gets a good enough support the QF-3000E Ghost and maybe the other 2 hinted (Spartan, Cat's Eye) awhile back might get a chance at release in the distant future.





  5. It's like the drug dealer giving you the starter samples to then get you hooked later on. They're probably showing it with the Fast packs since that's how it was shown in the preview episode. And so that peeps that watched the episode won't be saying "why doesn't the toy look like what I saw in the show?".

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