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Posts posted by wmkjr

  1. A YetiStand day is a good day. I love the Beta stand; It's so much cleaner and nicer than the Alpha for single figures.


    NIce shot of the different stands.

  2. I have been spending some time on this one lately, don't know yet where it will lead me to... So far a lot of floppiness until I receive a new elastic line to test if it can tighten the approx. 30 articulations of the figure!

    If you have any recommendation I will take it!

    Nice Vajra! Did you also have the tail made?

  3. Finally get to enjoy my VF-2SS in fighter mode! B))

    Last picture wasn't as nice but shows how either some Future or Nail polish keeps everything in place.

    Nice. Are you leaving the tailwing pivot covers off? Unfortunately one of the tailwing's on mine didn't agree with being where it was so decided to leave the hinge. Nothing a little CA won't fix. Thanks for the tips on how to stiffen it up. Mines is a floppy mess.

  4. Loving this Regult. Super fun posing it. Also, you can pop off the top mini turret so maybe a missile set would be possible instead of a separate release.

  5. My ankle joint was tight too. Retraction and extension is normal, lateral side to side pivot is normal. Just forward to backwards pivot was tight when I first got it. That tightness seemed to have disappeared as I can move it more normally now. All I did was keep the feet closed on full extension and rocked it forward and back slowly against that pressure till it loosened up. Kept on doing that then opened the feet and moved it the same way. I'm usually rough with transforming so I'm not too sure on your comfort level on how much force you wanna put into it if you wanna try it.

  6. Once I get my HMR Regults, I plan on making a large diorama with streets and buildings. Maybe one SDF Macross diorama and one DYRL diorama with corresponding mecha.

    Can't wait to see your dioramas!

  7. Yeah you knew it, so same or not? Pics would be awesome when anyone can.

    And if you got it the 1S next to it!

    Close enough. No3ljm's pics of the 0A with the Yamato VF-4G in the 0A thread. If it's a straight up re-release the Arcadia's colors on the VF-4G should be the same.



  8. Is that an escalator that swings down for the crew? Crazy. Amazing detail.

    Maybe it's a magic ladder the pilots just glide up due to lazy animators

    I was thinking it should've been an escalator. If they could move the monster off the ramp that way why not for the monster crew members? :p

    Also, that lineart also shows those pistons that allow the monster to look up. Didn't notice it before.

  9. Yes, you can see it in the smaller pic (from joppewo). Though it doesn't show how it articulates. Pics of the other gimmicks are on the Macrossworld Facebook page. Opening crew compartment and opening rear hatches.


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