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Posts posted by wmkjr

  1. Will there be a TV Version Kakizaki HMR release?

    I haven't been able to find any Kakizaki valks at 1/100 scale

    Hopefully they do (poor Kakizaki always left out. He's not even on the list :( ):



  2. Wouldn't a dual arm or knuckle accomplish the same thing?

    It can accomplish something similar but I figured one less arm/adapter to buy as it'd be already there and more options to display are always better.

  3. CY, I don't have a Detolf but was wondering if it's possible to extend the clip and squeeze in 2 arm connectors on one. Would the leverage from the weight of 2 valks be too much? If it's possible you can make a 2 valk over-under outta 1 clip. Something like this (sorry for my crappy attempt but you get the idea) or even with the rear one higher.


  4. I wish that they're taking notes to maybe improve the next 2 releases but I doubt it. Anywho, it looks like there is gonna be a display stand for this. It's gonna be a fixed position fighter mode with 2 arms, one regular and one with SAP in black. Maybe this is the mold they were talking about?

    Edit: Gosh that swing bar really kills it for me. That position makes it stand out.



  5. Looks like the production model's starting to get finalized. I wonder if they'll give us those clear adapters for this series? Dat Walkure Mirage though...

  6. Longing...Rusted...Seventeen...Dawn...Stove...Nine...

    Kind-hearted...Homecoming...One...Freight car...

    - Bandai HMR Division

    Good morning buyer! Hail HiMRa!

  7. Appreciate the quick feedback. Hmm, is there any rational reason why armor from previous versions can't be used? It just boggles my mind that a few missile pods and gun hardpoints cost double the price of an actual transforming fighter. :p

    I'm thinking of primarily using it for display if that helps.

    The renewal version valks are different sculpts from the originals so the parts are not compatible. The 2 renewal armored parts were webshop exclusives with only one run so whatever people ordered is what's out there.

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