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Posts posted by wmkjr

  1. Do you guys have prediction on Chuck's DX ?

    Will it come with Radome container only, Standard Rifle container only, or maybe with both ?

    My prediction is: He'll be easier to get (As only me and one other guy like his valk :p ), come with radome container only and be the last release for the Walkure valks.

    Don't worry Chuck, I got your back! :lol:

  2. I take back what I said about holding it closed. On the ones I got, they both close fine. Though the revised one has a "click" sound when it's closed and it's closed pretty securely. It's trying to open them. The old ones I can just grab the sides to open it while the newer one I need to use my fingernail to open it. Also, the lids themselves got a redo.

    Edit: Revised on the left, older on the right.


  3. He means the bottom of the box (Didn't know it was the bottom till I looked just now):

    Edit: This Monster is awesome! Now big brother will have some company (If and when I start it)


  4. Okay. Looks like the ones in the blister pack arms are the revised ones. There are tabs in the side where the gunpod can be stored. The older one is lower and more forward and doesn't do squat to hold it closed whereas the newer one is higher, more towards the rear and holds it closed.

    Edit: I wished they put a revised VF-2SS in a blister pack too while they're at it.

  5. has anyone explored getting custom shelving built onto a wall for display purposes instead of buying one form of case or another? I have a pair of Detolfs but I loath them to no end. They're cramped, rickety, and hard to move!

    I remember in the display collection thread someone had a built in case. It looked very nice with all the valks neatly arranged in there.

  6. I kinda wish the Macross World twitter account would mention it - but the trick seems to be to check in threads in the Toys forum about a week prior to the 1st of the month.

    They retweeted the info on the Macrossworld Twitter account on the 27th. It showed a link to the Tamashii special page. The preorder date was at the bottom of the page.

    Like you said, you can also check the threads here for the info. If you want, you can hit the "follow this topic" button on the top right if you want the latest thread posts sent to your text and email I believe. But be warned that if the thread is hot it'll flood your inbox.

    You can also go to the Macross portal site and click on the news section and look through the announcements. Both there and the Tamashii website are not in English but a quick Google translate can provide you with enough info that you should be able to get the gist of it.

  7. I would cancel it. It says limit one per customer and if they caught wind of it they might ban your account. I'd keep the earlier one.

  8. I bet it goes...Arad, Messer, Chuck, and Mirage...THEN the cannon fodder.

    Arad, Messer, Chuck, and Mirage... then super parts for each...with the SV-262 in between...then their ghost sets....THEN the cannon fodder. So about 2-3 years from now I'll check back for the VF-31A preorder :p.

  9. EDIT:

    WTF, why is Hobby search about $25USD cheaper than AmiAmi?

    Hobby Search = 17000 yen

    AmiAmi = 19400 yen

    Each place gives a varying amount of discount although Amiami's discount price is usually the retail price plus 8%tax included. Some may have a cheaper price but may have a higher shipping cost. Also, some places might be cheaper but getting one from there is such a pain that it would be better to just look elsewhere and save yourself from the stress. Like others have said, the price differences will not be too much of a difference so it's all a matter of which one you prefer.

  10. I think I'll cheat then and scratch/bash some dedicated cannon pods [as in ones that don't transform into a rifle] Ala the early Phantoms retrofit solution...

    or were you specifically referring to the toy itself not being able to?

    I think he was referring to the toy itself.

    Might squeeze them in those slots with the leg flaps. I'll try when I go home tomorrow.


    With a little scratchbuilding or blutac maybe?


  11. Just wait till the VF-4 Master File comes out in August for inspiration to your imagination.

    There's more preview pics on the MW Facebook main page:



    Now run and look for your leftover gunpods and missiles!

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