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Posts posted by wmkjr

  1. Thanks, this sux for me, cause i would have liked finally giving mine an armor.

    It's all in jest. I was referring to the grey/white armor pics above not the displayed one. I don't think all of it would fit your Yamato VF-0 anyways. The VF-0A thread has a comparison pic of the 2 somewhere.

  2. Hoping we get some S.H. Figuarts Zentran and Meltran to go along with their mecha. That'd be nice. Breetai, Exedore, Bodolza, Millia and Kamjin. Buncha Zentran/Meltran grunts. Yes, please.

    +1. Sell them in packs to army build.

  3. Glad that folks who got Max can now get Millia. Looks like 2 is the limit at NY. Gonna sit this one out and wait for the destroids.

    Edit: must be my tired eyes. It isn't limited to 2.

  4. *snip*

    Looks like a listing for a Yamato SDF-1. Asking price for it is 35000yen? The original Yamato was 32800yen so I would've expect it to be more than that.

  5. Hopefully it'll be announced soon. They'll probably have more Macross products to announce during Tamashii Nations in late October.

    Bring on the Destroids! Especially the Spartan!

  6. Yeah I think hmr milia had a December release date

    If that's the case then that 'd be strange as Max's preorder was at the end of June while there is still nothing mentioned about Milia's preorder and were at the start of Sept. Sept/Oct preorder with a Mar/Apr release would seem more inline with Max's.

  7. I corrected the pics with photoshop because i noticed they were too much red, the pics are those but with better colors... But i can t change them

    Go to the thread you want to edit, on the bottom to the left of the "MultiQuote" tab there will be an "edit" tab, click edit then select "use full editor". You should then be able to add/delete the pics you want to edit.

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