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Posts posted by wmkjr

  1. Hello again. Here is where I'm at now. I put the B on the side for now till everything is cured. I finished priming and spraying the base color for the VF-0C. After I let it sit for few days I sprayed on the darker grey color which is what I have now. I'll be masking the front so that I can spray the blue in a few days.


  2. 1 hour ago, Xigfrid said:

    WIP picure :)

    A lot of issues with attachments considering the VF1 should transform. I also ordered the Visual Books when I found that Kuna models were not really accurate to the VF X++ line art.



    NIce! I think KuWa's 1/72 VF-1X++ is closer to the line art and the 1/60 one is supposed to be a precursor or something if I recall.

  3. 17 hours ago, mickyg said:

    Very nice start!  You sure you're new to this kind of thing?

    Thanks guys. Yes, with the exception of the X-9 this is my first try at something like this.

    1 hour ago, Mommar said:

    Sweet.  Are you going to knock out a C after this?

    Yes, I'm in the middle of masking it for primer right now. That one will be in the regular VMFAT-203 scheme. It's a little more work as for whatever reasons Arcadia decided to glue the back half of the conformal tanks where you'd swap out for the slotted ones. I ended up snapping them off with the pegs still in but thankfully I have the slotted ones from the VF-0B that I'm not gonna use with it. I just drilled out the pegs in the holes.

    The B is slowly coming along. I gotta get the decals/stickers on and decide if I wanna try to panel line it or leave it as is.

  4. 5 hours ago, Xigfrid said:

    Holy S... ! You are making me dream :)

    A question: did you clean the original paint before the tamiya grey primer ? With a solvent like alcohol or light sanding ?


    Just a quick wipe with a microfiber cloth. The primer and sprays look like they stick to the plastic pretty good  as I scratched and dropped a few pieces without even fazing it. The Tamiya sprays are pretty hardy though I did give them a few days in between colors. 

  5. Finished VF-0B here and here.

    Finished VF-0C  here.


    Hello. I always wanted both a VF-0B and a VF-0C but I doubt Arcadia will do them (though one can hope!). I bought extra D's and A's in the hopes that the canopies could be swapped so I could make both a B and C. Thankfully they could and posted a couple of pics in the toys section. Although they looked okay I thought "both of them need a paintjob" so here I am. Bear with me as I'm a noob at these things so some of the ways I do things might not be the best way but it worked for me.

    Some helpful tools to have are: 

    Spudger/Pry tool kit for the tiny screw hole covers and areas that need a little gentle help.

    Roll pin set and a small hammer to access the pins in the swing bar and to separate the chest piece. Don't need to do this using the new way.

    Extra plastic containers with lids labeled to keep all the small parts together. Don't do what I did and leave them in ziplocs as I found out the hard way as my darling wife threw a bag of small parts out into the rubbish and I spent half a day sorting through bags looking for it

    First thing I did was to take apart as much of the valks as I could so that I could mask and paint. Here is a pic of it apart, primed with Tamiya fine grey, and sprayed in AS-16 light grey. The legs are together and hanging.


    The rest of the time was masking and painting the various colors. I decided not to do the SPW scheme and instead do the VF-8 theme in the Master File. I sprayed the nose and lighter colored parts AS-20 insignia white, TS-16 yellow, and TS-29 semi gloss. After I let everything dry I put it all back together. Here's some pics of it in gerwalk and fighter modes. There's still a lot of stuff I need to touch up and put on some decals but that's where I'm at now. Thanks for stopping by!


    Here is the scheme for the VF-0B:


    This is the VF-0C scheme:



    3/13/17: I added on the VF-0C to this thread so that I don't need to do another one.

    Edit 3/22/17

    VF-0B Colors:

    Tamiya fine grey primer, AS-16 light grey for the main color, AS-20 Insignia white for the lighter parts, TS-18 yellow and TS-29 Semi gloss black. TS-80 flat clear.

    VF-0C Colors:

    Tamiya fine grey primer, TS-81 Royal light grey for the main, AS-7 Neutral grey, TS-15 Blue, TS-16 Yellow, and TS-29 Semi gloss black. TS-80 flat clear.


    EDITED: 8/26/17

    I want to thank fellow member Ratatarse as he also did conversions but had a different way of converting. The difference is that he showed an easier way to convert than the way I did it. All he did was swap the cockpit sections along with the cockpit shields. Disregard all the rest of the instructions as my method was trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Lol.


  6. Hmm, I thought that I remembered that before the server update and name change of the Facebook page we'd get updated info from the FB feed on the front page. The FB page had the latest info/news/pics from other sources condensed. There were the latest news/FB feed on the top, speaker podcasts, and/or cosplay sets or whatever category RSS that was pertinent.  Maybe the permissions to post on the MW front page changed or whoever's in charge of the FB page needs to redo the link for updates?

    Edit: Here's some info about the FB name change taken from the "MW Back up! Please read!" thread:


    Regarding our Facebook/Social Media presence change, I'll be absolutely honest. I don't use FB/Twitter, and years ago when Exo said we should have a FB account I literally said 'We already have a forum, but ok'. But what he created and nurtured is incredible, reaching out to thousands of fans across the world. It is more international that these forums will ever be, and that is my dilemma. 
    I like a smaller community plain and simple. But he grew it into something larger and more successful than I could ever imagine, and that is why it changed.
    He can now grow even more without this old man's stupid restrictions. If you have not bookmarked it please do so!! Again great job Exo!!

    Thank you all for reading, and please have a good time here!

    I think the site is still following along the lines like in the "About MacrossWorld" section.

  7. I think a VF-11 renewal version would be better. The shoulder armor wouldn't work too well with the Yamatos unless they do the pegged shoulders like the RA. Make the B,C and D versions then the MaxL.

  8. Did he originally state the item was for US buyers only? I see the sales post has that as a tag. I can see him declining the sale if he later found out you're not in the US. Happened to me before but I'll usually ignore sales posts that say CONTUS/48 states only or I usually ask them if they would ship to my zip code and an estimate shipping price.

  9. On 2/28/2017 at 11:24 AM, Nyankodevice said:

    Pengbuzz- those haters are idiots, PERIOD!! :angry:

                      hope it haven't put you off modelmaking?!:mellow:



    pretty much done now...^_^

    might be a few places i missed... anyway...




    Excellent! I'd name it Typhon or Kratos (Not the one from God of War).

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