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    Fazing out on a rock in the middle of the ocean..

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  1. They've been in the pipes for awhile. Folks were confused with these pics and their transformable one. From their Facebook page:
  2. The color of the filament or resin(s) used. The ones in the pic look like the red SLS Shapeways material. The one you print out will look different using a resin or FDM style printer.
  3. My avatar is the Destroid Work from Frontier. Reason I chose it because it was doing firefighting work so this would be the one I'd like to operate instead of them fancy valks. 😁
  4. wmkjr

    Hi-Metal R

    Bandai Namco is bigger than Hasbro.
  5. Try checking under the spare head?
  6. That means you Put in an order though Yoyakunow and paid for it. The next one you should get is (A2) Pre-order confirmation from maker or distributor. Which means company has received your payment and confirms your order. You can cancel anytime before you get that A2. They will send another one confirming the order arrived at their warehouse and then you can confirm shipping.
  7. @jenius review states the original had the reversed paint hip parts.
  8. WWM release Jan 10 PO (For Japan anyways)
  9. Interesting. I had it originally at 2.0mm but it wouldn't fit so I made it 1.75mm. Did you print it horizontally or vertically? Horizontally the peg was too loose but vertically like you suggested worked for me. I might have to get some clear filament. It looks nicer with the clear.
  10. Thanks for your suggestions. I tried printing it flat using PETG as support interface and regular PLA.. I didn't like how the flat layers looked so I flipped it the other way like you showed added tree support slim instead. I like how it looks this way. I redid the adapter so it can fit a gun pod. I realized I didn't notch the front so the gun pod can fit. I'll put the new file on the top and delete the other one.
  11. Thanks for the suggestion. I should get a .2 nozzle and try that. I'll also try using PETG as a support interface.
  12. You guys can have a go if you want to. 3mf file is above Disclaimer: I've optimized it so it works for my X1C printer so it might not come out the same via other FDM or Resin printers so YMMV. I used Elegoo PLA+ filament with flow calibrated. Oriented vertically with front on top at 0.16mm layer optimal profile with tree supports slim and no brim:
  13. Been awhile but the DX VT-1 posts made me want to whip out the HMR VT-1. I was irritated that the regular fighter adapter included makes the legs spread out a little because it wasn't intended with the leg parts. I decided to try make a slimmer adapter so the legs don't get pushed out. It's friction fit in the arm holes like the clear version: Edit: Updated file that can fit gunpod HMR fighter gunpod adapter 3mm peg v1.3mf Newer adapter with notch on top vs old: Clear adapter too wide causing the leg to push out. Shortened the front skirt, made the sides more narrow to sit flush with the arms, and added a 3mm hole with no hex. Legs sit a bit better. ChaoticYeti style test lol. Didn't put it flush but It's a tight enough fit on this generic stand. Gonna also use it for the regular valks. I'll have to check if the gun pod fits first. Edit: It didn't fit. New one fits.
  14. wmkjr


    Nice! 1/20 scale or 1/32 to go with the AJACS?
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