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About theOuterArrowhead

  • Birthday 06/30/1980

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theOuterArrowhead's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. That's badass.
  2. theOuterArrowhead

    Fan Art of theOuterArrowhead

    my fanart, look at it
  3. are you finished animating the macross yet? i noticed that the main gun booms dont rest the way they should when in attack mode.
  4. theOuterArrowhead


    THAT is insane, I love this VF-1
  5. theOuterArrowhead

    theOuterArrowhead's Collection

    My Macross Merchandise (M3!!)
  6. LOL, took me a moment to figure out what the hell I was looking at.
  7. lol, thats great. like, I can see Isamu cruisin with that
  8. badass
  9. cool, and my ps3 has options to correct the stretched image...
  10. yeah, corrupted, im curious if a solution was found yet?
  11. eh, i was in a hurry.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLhekcU3lng...r.blogspot.com/
  13. i have looked for a subbed copy, to no avail... hmm. i'll look again, but any help would be appreciated. and i'll have to check to see if any of mine are non-mbs... 3 of the 4 programs ive used for subbing dont work at all (yamb, xvid4psp... and another one... anywayAVIrecomp has been the most reliable). i just cant stand watching flash videos.
  14. help plz. i need more (alternative) subtitle files, i'm stuck on 5 episodes, the subtitles dont match whats happing onscreen, timing is off... it starts out fine, but as the episode goes on, it skews...
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