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Everything posted by ahiachris

  1. ME too!!!
  2. U may wait until the school summer holiday or the Christmas holiday. The marketers here in Hong Kong only see that animations are for children.
  3. It was indeed the combination of the two kits. They showed the making of the kit at their web sire
  4. Indeed. Every kits released over there became collector's item due to the additional charges you have to pay on top of the selling price. I knew someone here in Hong Kong that can probably picking up kits for mecosts me a lot too. In order to buy some kit for 10000yen it'll end up 15000 to 17000 yen.
  5. Hi guys, Here is the link to gerwalk_w's photos on WF http://www.flickr.com/photos/gerwalk_w/sets/72157632743382408/ Thank you gerwalk_w for the effort
  6. Link to someone selling at yahoo jp http://openuser.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/user/shoichi_1971
  7. Yes, it's the same kit. The VA-3C was updated (color pic) http://air.ap.teacup.com/tac1991/
  8. http://mrdtop.web.fc2.com/news_f.html Macross II VA-1SS 14000yen
  9. Just wanted to add something from a magazine NewDoc.pdf
  10. Chances to get one is very slim as they are only going to release 10. I believe you will end up paying a lot as you will need someone to get for you. The final price might be around 35 to 40 thousand yen
  11. http://air.ap.teacup.com/tac1991/ VA-3C http://yaplog.jp/sitinana/archive/33 http://frameout.blog67.fc2.com/ http://experten.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2013/01/210-2013winter-.html Sorry guys. No time to illustrate
  12. ahiachris

    Regult Model

    Very nicely done
  13. other scratch built from Japan http://air.ap.teacup.com/tac1991/
  14. The yellowish mix is a kind of japanese epoxy putty called Mori Mori. It's now release by Wave. It's almost odourless compared with other kind of epoxy putty. The grain is very fine and they also have another kind of epoxy putty called sube sube. It's the same kind of yellowish mix you see in japanese hobby magazines.
  15. Or wait and see if Bandai's going to roll out the armoured add on as an option kit for their coming transformable VF-1
  16. Agree. The Bandai approach is always more on the toy side. Hasegawa always have fitment problems. But I guess if Finemolds do step into Macross it'll definitely be a great hit.
  17. Mine is still in the making
  18. Both are indeed recasts. This kit was originally released by NEOgrade of Korea. it was out of production for a long time already.
  19. I like to have a lot of them in 1/72
  20. Look at the price of the new releases... toys or models...they're becoming things for the extremely rich.
  21. There were two different releases from Club-M. One was with the Super packs and booster included and the other release was only the plain kit. I'd sold the one with the super pack and still keep the plain one.
  22. Oh... two different people talking about differnet things. I'm glad that I have both versions
  23. Oh. Is that the soft vinyl version. I thought you're talking about the Club-M one.
  24. Which other kit are you two talking about??
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